Securing energy supplies at affordable prices, improving energy efficiency and reducing harmful emissions will be high on the agenda of the European Parliament for the coming months and years. These issues will also be discussed at the Council summit in Ypres and Brussels on 26-27 June during a week dedicated to sustainable energy and marked by hundreds of events throughout Europe.

On 28 May, the European Commission presented a plan on how to reduce the EU's energy dependence, which will now be scrutinised and eventually be voted on by Parliament. The main aims of the proposal are reducing energy consumption, diversifying energy sources and suppliers and improving energy production and cooperation between countries in the EU.

The Commission already proposed on 22 January new climate and energy targets for the period up to 2030. These included a 40% cut in CO2 emissions compared to 1990 levels, a renewable energy target of at least 27% of EU energy consumption and a new energy efficiency target expected to be announced before the summer break. In response to this plan, Parliament called in February for a 40% reduction in energy consumption, adding that targets should be binding.

The Parliament will also continue working on legislation that would limit the amount of fuel produced from food crops and help shift to biofuels that are produced from non–food sources, such as waste.