The Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) announced on June 27 it is continuing with its pre-qualification of potential suppliers for the construction of the 870km high pressure natural gas pipeline and related infrastructure across Greece, Albania, and Adriatic Sea with landfall in Southern Italy.

TAP issued its fourth contract notice in the Official Journal of the EU – the EU Gazette. It is titled “Link to the announcement for the supply and installation of ~ 15 MW range gas turbine turbo compressors”.

Six turbo compressors will be purchased for installation on two compressor stations - three for a compressor station in Albania near Fier, and three for a compressor station in Greece near Kipoi.

Companies interested in being pre-qualified for this contract need to request a pre-qualification questionnaire from TAP no later than June 14, TAP said. The scope of this Supply Contract will include manufacturing, delivery, engineering, installation and pre-commissioning of the turbo compressors. The potential suppliers need to demonstrate their equipment is “proven technology”, which has been successfully used on other compressor stations similar to TAP’s.

The compressor stations will be built in accordance with the international industry standards on health and safety, located at a significant distance from densely populated areas, causing minimal harm to the environment and local communities.

TAP has developed a set of measures to mitigate any impacts as described in its Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA in Albania and ESIA in Greece).

The current pre-qualification is the fourth, following contract notices on construction of Albanian roads and bridges, onshore pipeline construction in Greece and Albania, and the construction of compressor stations in Greece and Albania.

The next contract notices to be issued by TAP over the next three months will include the pre-qualification of companies supplying Large Diameter Valves and steel line pipes for onshore section of TAP.