The Austrian National Council voted Wednesday in favour of a new energy dfficiency act designed to reduce energy consumption by 2020 in line with European Union energy targets.

The consumption reduction requirements will particularly apply to energy providers, large companies, and government agencies.

The Social Democrats (SPOe) and the People's Party (OeVP) of the governing coalition were joined by the Greens in achieving a vote of 177-55 in favour of the act, surpassing the necessary two-thirds majority of votes in parliament.

Other opposition parties however were unhappy with the result, with the far-right Freedom Party accusing the EU of repeated calling for a re-industrialization of Europe on the one hand, and on the other hand increasing barriers towards industrial growth.

Certain industry groups meanwhile called the new requirements "expensive and bureaucratic."

Minister for Economy Reinhold Mitterlehner dismissed the criticism, adding that the necessary reforms set reasonable and achievable goals and would also lead to increased competitiveness.