Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite signed a decree on Tuesday by which the country's Minister of Energy Jaroslaw Neverovich will be dismissed on August 25, the Presidency said in a statement.

The decree is based on Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevicius’ proposal which has been submitted to the president on the same day.

Recent developments in the Lithuanian government reflect disagreement between ruling coalition partners, Butkevicius' social democrats and the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania, over the vice minister of Ministry of Energy.

Renata Cytacka, delegated by the Electoral Action of Poles, was repeatedly given the ministerial office despite public and Prime Minister's clear stand against her candidacy.

"I think these are political games that I don’t accept,"Butkeviciustold reporters on Monday.

"There can't be so irresponsible actions while assigning people to the important office," he added.

According to Butkevicius, the situation had been discussed with Neverovicius, the minister delegated to his office by the Polish party.

Neverovicius explained that the appointment of Cytacka was reasoned by the political will of Valdemar Tomashewski, the leader of Electoral Action of Poles.

The government was renewed after Grybauskaite's re-election earlier this year and inauguration in July. Butkevicius expressed his discontent with Cytacka's competence afterwards.

All governmental representatives of the Electoral Action of Poles are "highly qualified persons," the party insisted in its statement released on Tuesday.

Rimantas Sinkevicius, minister of Transport and Communications, has been appointed as acting Minister of Energy until September 7. From September 8, Minister of Economy Evaldas Gustas will overtake the chair, until the new Minister of Energy is appointed.

The Political Council of ruling coalition will hold a meeting next Monday, August 25. The future of the government and possible changes inside coalition will be the main topic of the meeting, local media reported.

The Lithuanian ruling coalition consists of the Social Democratic Party of Lithuania, the Labor Party, the Order and Justice party and the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania.