As the European Commission is expected to release its Energy Union communication on February25, European Commission Vice President Maros Sefcovic said the creation of a single market is closely related to a reduction in dependency on energy imports and to an increase in the security of energy supplies.

As the European Commission is expected to release its Energy Union communication on February25, European Commission Vice President Maros Sefcovic said the creation of a single market is closely related to a reduction in dependency on energy imports and to an increase in the security of energy supplies.

“The concept of the Energy Union encompasses an ambitious strategy of support for research and innovation in the field of energy,” Sefcovic, who is responsible for the Energy Union, said on February 17 in Bratislava. The European Commission communication on February 25 will outline more concrete plans on theEnergy Union.

The Coalition for Energy Savings said in an e-mailed note on February 18 that energy efficiency should feature unambiguously in all of the dimensions of the Energy Union.

Climate Action and Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete said during the Riga energy conference that the EU energy policy should take “efficiency first” as its abiding motto. “Before importing more gas or generating more power, we should ask ourselves: ‘can we take cost-effective measures to reduce our energy use that will also increase our competitiveness?’”

Sefcovic expects the Energy Union to lead to the creation of new jobs in the field of reset and development, as well as in the production and installation of modern systems and devices.