The nuclear talks between the United States and Iran started again in Switzerland, as US Secretary of State John Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif are talking right now in a luxury hotel in the lakeside city of Lausanne.

The nuclear talks between the United States and Iran started again in Switzerland, as US Secretary of State John Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif are talking right now in a luxury hotel in the lakeside city of Lausanne.

Nuclear talks entered a critical stage as there are only two weeks left from the deadline for a framework accord. According to AP, the hopes for a nuclear deal are low and it is more likely to have an announcement that the two sides have made enough progress to justify further extension of the talks. The negotiators participating in the talks have already missed two self-imposed deadlines for inking a final agreement since they signed the Geneva deal.

AP reported that the deal that had been taking shape would see Iran freeze its nuclear programme for at least a decade, with restrictions then gradually lifted over a period of perhaps the following five years. The international community would similarly scale back the economic sanctions against the Middle East country.

Speaking on CBS News on Sunday, Kerry said that many technical differences over Iran's nuclear program have been solved. US Secretary of State added that “by and large, most of the differences now are political decisions that need to be made in order to fulfill the promise of proving to the world that a program is peaceful.”

Iran and the P5+1 countries are seeking to seal a comprehensive nuclear deal by July 1.