A discount on Russia gas deliveries to Greece is “the most tangible result” in talks between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, during the latter’s visit to Moscow on April 8-9, a high-level source at the Syriza-led government told New Europe on April 7.

A discount on Russia gas deliveries to Greece is “the most tangible result” in talks between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, during the latter’s visit to Moscow on April 8-9, a high-level source at the Syriza-led government told New Europe on April 7.

The source also said that Greece will accept Moscow’s offer to participate in Russia’s plan to build a newgas pipelineto Europe through Greece.

The Greek government has considered Gazprom’s plan to build the so-called Turkish Stream pipeline and “the decision has been taken, essentially and typically,” the source said, adding that there will be an agreement on a political level but was not sure about the technical details.

The source said that Greek ProductiveReconstruction, Environment and Energy Minister PanagiotisLafazanis will accompany Tsipras to Moscow. Lafazanis also met his Russian counterpart Alexander Novak and Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller on March 30 in Moscow.

See also: Greece buffers EU hardline on Russia’s Turkish Stream

Moreover, the source told New Europe that the participation of the Russian companies in the tender process for deep-sea oil and gas exploration in Greece will also be discussed.

The Greek government has invited Russian companies to participate after givinginvestors more time to submit their bids for test drilling in 20 offshore blocks in the Ionian Sea and off southern Crete. Potential bidders have until July 14 to express their interest.

“Novak and Miller have already replied immediately that Russia companies will participate,” the Syriza-led government source said.

The source also stressed that Tsipras and Putin are expected to discuss rolling back aban on Greek agricultural exportsthat is part of the Kremlin leader’s retaliatory sanctions against the European Union.

“They will also discuss the embargo. The technical preparations have progressed very much for lifting the embargo,” the source said.

Moreover, the source highlighted the “good climate” between Moscow and Athens, adding that the Greek government expects positive outcome from Tsipras’ trip to Moscow.

The agenda for the Russian-Greek summit talks includes a wide range of bilateral cooperation issues, including trade, economic and investment cooperation, cultural and humanitarian ties, as well as topical international issues, the office of the Russian President said in a press release on April 2. A number of bilateral documents will be signed following the talks.
