European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Commissioner Johannes Hahn has said that Brussels is interested in funding major infrastructure projects in Serbia, including a gas interconnection with Bulgaria, the Serbian government said.

European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Commissioner Johannes Hahn has said that Brussels is interested in funding major infrastructure projects in Serbia, including a gas interconnection with Bulgaria, the Serbian government said.

Hahn reportedly told a meeting of the National Investment Committee in Belgrade that the Commission had already looked into ways to fund a certain number of projects from the EU budget. “We want to support mature projects. Of course, we want to support the projects that hold great strategic value for the country and the region,” Hahn was quoted as saying.

In April, Serbian Energy Minister Aleksandar Antic said he expects financing for a gas interconnection with Bulgaria to be agreed with the European Commission by the end of 2015.

The planned bi-directional gas interconnector with Bulgaria would diversify Serbia’s supply options.

In December, the Bulgarian Economy Ministry said work on the gas interconnector with Serbia will be sped up after the announced cancellation earlier that month of the South Stream gas pipeline project.