Francois Hollande says he is optimistic, while Jean-Claude Juncker refuses to say whether a solution will be found.

Francois Hollande says he is optimistic, while Jean-Claude Juncker refuses to say whether a solution will be found.

French President Francois Hollande says “progress has been made in the negotiations” between Greece and its creditors, which include eurozone states like France.

Hollande is urging Greece to find an agreement at a Monday summit in Brussels between Greece and its creditors.

“We must do everything so that an agreement is found tonight,” Hollande said at an event in Paris before heading to Brussels.

If Monday’s talks are inconclusive, Hollande insists an agreement would need to be found “within the next days.”

“France and Germany are aware that Greece must remain in the eurozone,” he said.

Meanwhile, European Commission President Jean-ClaudeJuncker saiddebt talks between Greece and its international creditors have made some progress but that a deal to avoid potential bankruptcy remains elusive.

Junckersaid Monday that the sides have made “progress over the last few days but we are not yet there.”

His comments came as Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras arrived for talks ahead of an important summit of leaders from the 19-nation eurozone.

The meeting is aimed at staving off bankruptcy in Greece and avoiding a potentially disastrous exit for the country from the euro single currency.

On Monday morning, the European Central Bank has increased the amount of emergency credit it allows Greek banks to draw on to remain afloat, and remains on call in coming days to revise the amount should that be necessary.