Επιλεγμένες Ειδήσεις από New Europe

Juncker Plan to Support Energy-Efficient Housing in Sweden

Juncker Plan to Support Energy-Efficient Housing in Sweden

The European Investment Bank announced on 30 September that it is providing €300 million of financing under the Juncker Plan’s European Fund for Strategic Investments to the Swedish residential company Heimstaden Bostad, to develop eight residential properties in five cities in Sweden.

Parties to Iran Nuke Deal Seek to Preserve It

Parties to Iran Nuke Deal Seek to Preserve It

The European Union’s foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, read the brief statement on behalf of the ministers from Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and Iran, after they met on 25 September at the 74th UN General Assembly in New York.

EIB President Announces New Climate Action Investment at UN Summit

EIB President Announces New Climate Action Investment at UN Summit

During the 74th session of the UN General Assembly, the president of the European Investment Bank, Werner Hoyer, has announced on 25 September more than $1.1 trillion of climate action and environmental sustainable investment in the decade to 2030, with increased support for climate change adaptation and climate resilience.

MEDREG Backs South Mediterranean Energy Regulatory Reforms

MEDREG Backs South Mediterranean Energy Regulatory Reforms

The future of energy cooperation in the Mediterranean was highlighted during a conference on MEDREG’s support to energy regulatory reforms in the Southern Mediterranean on 19 September 2019 in Brussels.

EIB Commits to Raise Annual Climate Investment

EIB Commits to Raise Annual Climate Investment

The EIB, together with eight other multilateral development bank pledged on 22 September in New York, during the UN Climate Action Summit, to raise their annual global climate action investment to $175 billion by 2025.

EIB and Italy Join Forces to Promote Clean Fusion Energy

EIB and Italy Join Forces to Promote Clean Fusion Energy

The European Investment Bank announced on 19 September that is providing €250 million under the European Fund for Strategic Investments, or the Juncker Plan, to Italy’s national agency ENEA, whose research activities are focused on energy efficiency.

EU to Help Modernise Czech Republic’s Electricity System

EU to Help Modernise Czech Republic’s Electricity System

In an effort to increase energy security in the Czech Republic, the European Union is investing more than €46 million from the European Regional Development Fund to modernise and extend the electricity substation of Kočín, southern Bohemia, Commission Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič said on 16 September, adding that this one of the most important node in the Czech transmission system.

EU Commission Clears E.ON’s Acquisition of Innogy Under Conditions

EU Commission Clears E.ON’s Acquisition of Innogy Under Conditions

Germany’s E.ON took a step closer on 17 September in acquiring Innogy’s distribution and consumer solutions business as well as certain of its electricity generation assets after the European Commission gave its approval but the EU’s completion chief stressed the decision is conditional to full compliance with a commitments package offered by E.ON.

The Amazon and You

The Amazon and You

Nearly everyone has seen the dramatic images of the Amazon ablaze. Tens of thousands of fires – intentionally started or caused by logging, farming, mining, and other human activities – have broken out over the past year alone.

EU, UN Condemn Attack on Oil Facilities in Saudi Arabia

EU, UN Condemn Attack on Oil Facilities in Saudi Arabia

Yemen’s Houthi rebels claimed responsibility for drone attacks on 14 September, on a huge Saudi Arabian State-owned Armco petroleum processing facility, which threatens to disrupt global oil supplies.

Draghi’s Exit Plan

Draghi’s Exit Plan

With few weeks to go before the end of his term, outgoing European Central Bank (ECB) President Mario Draghi left a lasting mark on monetary policy on Thursday. It is “whatever it takes” for “as long as it takes.”

Juncker Wants “European Way of Life” Portfolio Name to Be Changed

Juncker Wants “European Way of Life” Portfolio Name to Be Changed

Jean-Claude Juncker, the outgoing President of the European Commission, at his interview on Thursday morning at Euronews, weighed in the row over his past chief spokesperson’s new Vice-president portfolio “Protecting our European Way of Life” which President-elect Ursula von der Leyen suggested on Monday’s EU executive reveal.