Επιλεγμένες Ειδήσεις από New Europe

Turkey’s Recession Deepens Ahead of Local Elections

Turkey’s Recession Deepens Ahead of Local Elections

Turkish growth is decelerating as the value of the national currency, the lira, continues to plummet and inflationary pressure eats into the living standards of the country’s citizens only months before municipal elections are to held across the country in March of next year.

US-Greece Strategic Dialogue Inaugurated

US-Greece Strategic Dialogue Inaugurated

In an atmosphere of already close bilateral relations, the US and Greece inaugurated their “Strategic Dialogue” in Washington on December 13.

Germany Secures Strategic Access to Bolivian Lithium Production

Germany Secures Strategic Access to Bolivian Lithium Production

German manufacturing company ACI Systems has signed a deal to partners with Bolivia’s state-owned YLB mining company for the exploitation of lithium, according to a statement posted on ACI’s official website.

Kerch Strait Closure Calls Russian Projects in Europe Into Question

Kerch Strait Closure Calls Russian Projects in Europe Into Question

Russia’s seizure of Ukrainian ships in the Kerch Strait – the narrow passage the separates the Sea of Azov from the Black Sea and strategically separates Ukraine’s occupied Crimea region from the Russian mainland – has raised serious questions about the trustworthiness of the country’s energy dealings with Europe, an official from the Bureau of Energy Resources said.

US Calls on Germany to Drop Nord Stream-2, Warns Companies of Sanctions Risk

US Calls on Germany to Drop Nord Stream-2, Warns Companies of Sanctions Risk

The United States urged Germany to drop its political support for Russian monopoly Gazprom’s Nord Stream-2 project and warned companies that are involved in the construction of the gas pipeline that they face the risk of sanctions unless they withdraw from the controversial project.

Environment and Climate Action Need More EU Funds, MEPs Say

Environment and Climate Action Need More EU Funds, MEPs Say

Following European Parliament’s adoption of its position on the EU’s long-term 2021-2027 budget, MEPs voted in favour on December 11 of doubling funding for the LIFE programme, the EU’s only funding instrument for climate change, environment and nature conservation, compared to the last 7-year period.

US Leads Oil-Rich Nations Against Environmental Alarmism

US Leads Oil-Rich Nations Against Environmental Alarmism

The past year saw the United States surpass Saudi Arabia and Russia as the biggest crude oil producer in the world after years of steadily leading the charge in the shale oil revolution.

Tsipras Wants Putin to Route Turkish Stream Branch via Greece

Tsipras Wants Putin to Route Turkish Stream Branch via Greece

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras arrived in Moscow on the evening of December 6 for talks the next day with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Premier Dmitry Medvedev aimed at boosting relations and ensuring a Greek role in a Russian gas pipeline to Europe.

Putin Keeps Russian Oil Majors In Line as OPEC Output Cut Talks Continue

Putin Keeps Russian Oil Majors In Line as OPEC Output Cut Talks Continue

The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and non-member producer Russia are in discussions being held in Moscow about a potential crude-production, though they are unlikely to agree to the 300,000 barrel per day reduction that had been committed to in the past.

May Suffers Parliamentary Defeats Ahead of Withdrawal Agreement Vote

May Suffers Parliamentary Defeats Ahead of Withdrawal Agreement Vote

British Prime Minister Theresa May finds herself heading into the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement debate in parliament on the heels of having lost two key legislative battles only days before a final vote on the deal with Brussels over the UK’s post-Brexit relationship with the EU comes up for a final vote on December 11.

In Katowice, EU Wants to Finalise Paris Agreement Rules

In Katowice, EU Wants to Finalise Paris Agreement Rules

The European Commission said on December 3 that this year’s UN climate conference would be a key moment for implementation of the Paris Agreement, with Parties aiming to finalize detailed rules that will enable the landmark accord to be put into practice across the world.

Climate Change on the Menu

Climate Change on the Menu

When we think about winning the fight against climate change, most people concentrate on reducing greenhouse-gas emissions from cars, trucks, and other machines powered by fossil fuels. But while these emissions sources are certainly worthy of our attention, another culprit receives far less than it deserves: our food.

EU Wants a Climate Neutral Europe by 2050

EU Wants a Climate Neutral Europe by 2050

A few days before the COP24 climate conference starts in Katowice in Poland, the European Commission adopted on November 28 a strategic long-term vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate neutral economy by 2050.

Trump and the Saudis

Trump and the Saudis

For the past 70-plus years of the post-World War II world order, the US-Saudi connection has always been a “special” relationship. It’s always about the money.