Επιλεγμένες Ειδήσεις από New Europe

Shell to Redevelop UK North Sea field, Sells Iraqi Stake to Japan’s Itochu

Shell to Redevelop UK North Sea field, Sells Iraqi Stake to Japan’s Itochu

Royal Dutch Shell announced on January 15 a final investment decision on the redevelopment of the Penguins oil and gas field in the UK North Sea. Meanwhile, Reuters has reported that Iraq has approved the sale by Shell of the company’s 20% stake in Iraq’s West Qurna 1 oilfield to Japan’s Itochu Corp.

Turkey Plans Second Canal to Link Black Sea with the Mediterranean

Turkey Plans Second Canal to Link Black Sea with the Mediterranean

Turkey will begin the tendering process for a new 45km canal to link the Mediterranean with the Black Sea, the minister of transport Ahmet Arslan announced on Monday. The plan is to deliver the mega-project by 2023, that is, in time for the centennial anniversary of the Turkish Republic.

MEPs Call for More Research, Innovation, Mindset Change to Boost Clean Energy

MEPs Call for More Research, Innovation, Mindset Change to Boost Clean Energy

On January 11, Members of the European Parliament’s Industry, Research and Energy Committee (ITRE) debated and voted a non-legislative draft report on how to boost clean energy innovation and make the energy system more efficient and affordable. The motion for a resolution was approved by 53 votes in favour, 3 votes against and 2 abstentions.

European Leaders and Erdoğan’s Charm Offensive

European Leaders and Erdoğan’s Charm Offensive

BBC called it plainly ‘the attack of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’. The attack was against a French journalist, Laurent Richard who dared to ask a question Erdoğan did not like. He was immediately accused of speaking with the ‘mouth of FETÖ’, the faith-based group Erdoğan blames for the failed coup of last year- the group denies any involvement.

EU Launches Clean Energy Forum to Boost Renewables

EU Launches Clean Energy Forum to Boost Renewables

On January 9, the European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete launched the first high-level meeting of the EU Clean Energy Industrial Competitiveness and Innovation Forum in Brussels.

EU Strategy on Iraq

EU Strategy on Iraq

To address the challenges in Iraq, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and the European Commission adopted a Joint Communication on January 8. The proposal outlines both ongoing and longer term EU support to Iraq, fully taking into account the Iraqi government’s priorities.

Macron Visits China, Profiting from Trump’s Incoherences

Macron Visits China, Profiting from Trump’s Incoherences

French president Emmanuel Macron’s visit to China this week is the first by a major European leader since the Communist party’s recent leadership congress, and Macron, profiting from Trump’s incoherences and from the situations of blockage in which Angela Merkel and Theresa May find themselves, will use it to try to secure greater access for French companies.

EU Green Lights Greek Renewable Electricity Auction Scheme

EU Green Lights Greek Renewable Electricity Auction Scheme

The European Commission said on January 4 that the EC has found a Greek auction scheme for the production of electricity from renewable sources and high efficiency cogeneration to be in line with EU State aid rules.

Shell Wraps Up Sale of LPG Business in Hong Kong, Macau

Shell Wraps Up Sale of LPG Business in Hong Kong, Macau

On January 3, Royal Dutch Shell said it has completed the sale of the first phase of its Hong Kong and Macau liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) marketing business to DCC LPG on December 31. “Shell continues to operate the LPG plant in Hong Kong, which is part of the second phase of the transaction and is subject to conditions including regulatory approvals,” the Hague-based company said in a press release.

Iran Protests Boost Oil Prices as Middle East Uncertainty Prevails

Iran Protests Boost Oil Prices as Middle East Uncertainty Prevails

On January 2, oil prices eased after hitting mid-2015 highs in early trading, Reuters reported, noting that it was the first time since January 2014 that the two crude oil benchmarks opened the year above $60 per barrel, boosted by protests in Iran and ongoing supply cuts led by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and Russia.

France Says ‘No’ to Fossil Fuel Extraction

France Says ‘No’ to Fossil Fuel Extraction

France’s parliament has passed into law a ban on producing oil and gas by 2040, a mostly symbolic gesture as the country is 99% dependent on hydrocarbon imports. In the vote, held by show of hands, only the rightwing Republicans party opposed, while leftwing lawmakers abstained.

Russia Vows to Keep Moldova Warm This Winter

Russia Vows to Keep Moldova Warm This Winter

On December 27, Gazprom and Moldova discussed in Moscow the ongoing cooperation in the energy sector, including the reliability of gas deliveries over the course of the heating season in the former Soviet republic, the Russian gas giant said.

EU Launches €2 Million Horizon Prize to Forecast Energy Traffic

EU Launches €2 Million Horizon Prize to Forecast Energy Traffic

The European Commission said the EC has launched the Big Data Technologies Horizon Prize for optimising the use of energy grids through a more precise forecasting system. According to the Commission, a total sum of €2 million will be awarded to the winning data analytics solutions that devise an energy grid traffic forecasting system that is accurate, fast and scalable.