Επιλεγμένες Ειδήσεις από New Europe

Russia Offers Ukraine Gas Break Wants Back Bills Paid

Russia Offers Ukraine Gas Break Wants Back Bills Paid

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said on October 6 that Moscow and Kiev should compromise over the months-long gas dispute that would re-open gas exports for winter, but warned Ukraine’s outstanding debt won’t be forgiven

Iran Wants In on The US War on ISIS

Iran Wants In on The US War on ISIS

As the United States moves to escalate its war against the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) and forge a coalition against the terrorist group, Iran should be consulted, a former deputy foreign minister of Iran, told New Europe

Albania Counts on TAP for Gas Hopes

Albania Counts on TAP for Gas Hopes

The Albanian market will benefit from large quantities of natural gas that will come via the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) and it has already been agreed than an established exit point will supply the energy-starved country with gas, Albania’s Deputy Minister of Energy and Industry Dorian Ducka told New Europe on October 1

US, EU Sanctions Push Iran Toward Russia China

US, EU Sanctions Push Iran Toward Russia China

US and EU sanctions against Tehran are hurting the economic interests of Europe and Iran, leading the latter to forge closer relations with Russia and China, a former deputy foreign minister of Iran, told New Europe

Mixed Messages Over Eurozone Recovery Emerge

Mixed Messages Over Eurozone Recovery Emerge

A contrasting picture of the economic recovery in the 18-country eurozone emerged Friday. While a closely watched survey found that the recovery proved to be even more subdued than previously thought during September, official European data suggested that consumers were in buoyant mood during August

Commission Publishes Results of Retail Food Study

Commission Publishes Results of Retail Food Study

The European Commission has unveiled the results of a comprehensive study about the evolution of choice and innovation in food products in Europe during the last decade. The results show that the entry of new competitors always increases choice and innovation

Readmission Agreement Between Turkey and the EU Enters Into Force

Readmission Agreement Between Turkey and the EU Enters Into Force

European Commissioner for Home Affairs, Cecilia Malmström, welcomed the today's entry into force of theReadmission Agreement between Turkey and the EU. Commissioner said that this "represents important progress in the perspective of visa liberalisation

Letter from President Barroso to President Putin

Letter from President Barroso to President Putin

The following letter was sent today by the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, to the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin: "Mr. President, Following your letter of 17 September, I would like to welcome the constructive engagement from all sides in the trilateral ministerial meeting on the implementation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement,

EU’s Cold War With Russia Worries German Business

EU’s Cold War With Russia Worries German Business

German business, including some major energy companies, are frustrated that “the political war” between EU and Russia has become an “economic war that we’re going to lose,” a German source in Berlin with knowledge of the issue, told New Europe

German Company is Top Tax Evader in Greece

German Company is Top Tax Evader in Greece

A German company was found to be the biggest tax evader in Greece. A court in Athens found that Hochtief, the German company that was running the "Eleftherios Venizelos" Athens International airport was not paying VAT for 20 years

Economic Sentiment and Business Climate Indicator Decrease in the Eurozone

Economic Sentiment and Business Climate Indicator Decrease in the Eurozone

In September the Economic Sentiment Indicator (ESI) decreased in both the euro area (by 0.7 points to 99.9) and the EU (by 1.0 point to 103.6). The euro-area indicator fell slightly below its long-term average of 100, which it had surpassed only in December 2013. The negative developments in the EU and the euro area indicator mainly reflect more cautious views of consumers and the retail trade sector

Hungary Halts Gas to Ukraine

Hungary Halts Gas to Ukraine

The Ukrainian gas company, Naftogaz has been informed that gas flows from Hungary were halted at 7pm Thursday evening. In an email from Hungarian TSO FGSZ to Ukrainian TSO Ukrtransgaz said the halt was due to technical reasons "“untilfurther notice”

Oettinger Speaks on EU’s Changing Energy Market

Oettinger Speaks on EU’s Changing Energy Market

Vice-Commissioner and Commissioner of Energy Gunther Oettinger addressed the current state of energy security and energy diversity and forecasted changes in the European Union’s energy mix in the future

Will Canete Share a Change of Climate?

Will Canete Share a Change of Climate?

The new Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy, the gallant Spaniard Miguel Cañete, did not fly to New York to bring his expertise to the ongoing conference dedicated to this: he has to prepare himself for the hearing in the Parliament next week, together with the other new Commissioners

Gazprom Pushes South Stream in Hungary

Gazprom Pushes South Stream in Hungary

The designer ofthe Russian-backed South Stream gas pipeline's Hungarian section towards Baumgarten in Austria willbeselected before late October, Gazprom said in a statement on September 22. Gazprom CEO met with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Budapest