English Edition

Aramco & Petronas to Enhance Petrochemical Cooperation

Aramco & Petronas to Enhance Petrochemical Cooperation

Saudi Aramco and Malaysia's oil and gas company Petronas formed a strategic partnership to enhance the value of their petrochemicals projects through the integration of refining and petrochemicals, Saudi Aramco announced on Monday. The agreement strengthens Saudi Aramco’s position and growth in southeast Asia through crude supply and world-scale downstream operations

Turkey Approves TurkStream Environ. Impact Assessment

Turkey Approves TurkStream Environ. Impact Assessment

The Ministry of Environment and Urbanization of Turkey approved the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the offshore section of the TurkStream gas pipeline project, the Russian company announced Tuesday

Romania, Bulgaria, Austria, Hungary to Complete Gas Pipeline

Romania, Bulgaria, Austria, Hungary to Complete Gas Pipeline

Romania, Bulgaria, Austria and Hungary have committed to completing the gas pipeline (BRUA) connecting their gas networks, Romanian energy minister Toma Petcu said. The four countries signed yesterday the memorandum agreement in Bucharest

15 to 18 Minutes Faster from Plovdiv to September After the Modernization of the Railway Track

15 to 18 Minutes Faster from Plovdiv to September After the Modernization of the Railway Track

You can get 15 to 18 minutes faster from Plovdiv to village of September after the modernization of the railway track. This was admitted by the passengers after the demonstration trip from Plovdiv station today. Among them were the representatives of the Austrian company Thales, the contractor of the project for modernization of signaling, security and communications systems

UK Joins Canada in Boeing-Bombardier Dispute

UK Joins Canada in Boeing-Bombardier Dispute

The British Prime Minister Theresa May criticized Boeing’s trade war on Bombardier on Thursday. She said Boeing’s legal demand for an import tax is "not the kind of behaviour we’d expect from a long-term partner.” May’s criticism comes in the aftermath of a warning by her Secretary of Defense, Michael Fallon, that the UK will review defense contracts with Boeing if the US Department of Commerce goes ahead and imposes a 220% import tariff on Canadian planes, tripling their cost

Merkel’s New Coalition Likely Won’t Sideline Nord Stream-2

Merkel’s New Coalition Likely Won’t Sideline Nord Stream-2

Despite the outcome of the hard political negotiations to form a coalition government following the re-election of Germany’s Angela Merkel to a fourth-term in power, Berlin’s policy towards the construction of the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline from Russia to Germany will most likely remain the same

Turkey Stops Flights and Threatens Blockage of Kurdish Autonomous Region

Turkey Stops Flights and Threatens Blockage of Kurdish Autonomous Region

Turkey’s customs minister Bülent Tüfenkci warned on Wednesday that closing the border with the Kurdish Regional Government in the North of Iraq is being considered. On Friday Turkey will seize flights to Erbil, the region’s capital. The region is landlocked between Iran, Turkey, Syria, and the rest of Iraq

EU to Invest €222 Mln. on Environment, Climate Action

EU to Invest €222 Mln. on Environment, Climate Action

The European Commission (EC) has approved a €222 million investment package from the EU budget to support Europe's transition to more sustainable and low-carbon future under the LIFE program for the Environment and Climate Action, the EC announced on Thursday

397 GW of Wind Energy Could Be Installed in EU by 2030

397 GW of Wind Energy Could Be Installed in EU by 2030

Cumulative wind energy capacity of 323 gigawatts (GW) could be installed in the EU by 2030, 253 GW onshore and 70 GW offshore, as per the central scenario of WindEurope’s Wind Energy in Europe: Scenarios for 2030 report last week

World Nuclear Assn. Hails Start of Akkuyu Plants Build

World Nuclear Assn. Hails Start of Akkuyu Plant's Build

The World Nuclear Association (WNA) welcomed the beginning of the general construction work for Turkey's first nuclear power plant, Akkuyu. The comment came after the Director General of Rosatom Alexey Likhachev's speech on the construction for the nuclear plant on Tuesday Sept. 19 at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 61st General Conference in Vienna, Austria

In Crete, EU Strives for Clean Energy Transition on Islands

In Crete, EU Strives for Clean Energy Transition on Islands

The first Clean Energy for EU Islands Forum was launched in Chania, Crete, on September 22 as part of an effort to act decisively on the decarbonisation of EU islands. The Forum, which was attended by Climate Action and Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete and Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, aims to accelerate the clean energy transition on EU islands, ensuring secure and cheap energy to their citizens, and create local jobs

Kurdish Vote for Secession Triggers Regional Volatility, Beginning With Oil

Kurdish Vote for Secession Triggers Regional Volatility, Beginning With Oil

The Monday referendum confirmed the wide expectation that the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) of Iraq would be moving towards secession from Iraq and independence. The President of the KRG Masoud Barzani claimed the ‘yes’ vote on Monday’s as a personal victory. In a televised speech, he called on Baghdad and “neighboring countries” to respect the result of the referendum

Iraqi Kurds Shrug Off Threats to Hold Independence Vote

Iraqi Kurds Shrug Off Threats to Hold Independence Vote

Kurds voted in an independence referendum in northern Iraq on Monday, ignoring pressure from Baghdad, threats from Turkey and Iran, and international warnings that the vote may ignite yet more regional conflict

Ford Sets High Expectations for New Model Produced in Craiova

Ford Sets High Expectations for New Model Produced in Craiova

US car producer Ford wants to sell over 100,000 units per year from its new Ford EcoSport model, which the company will start producing in its Craiova plant on October 12, reports 0-100.hotnews.ro

EU Commission Pushes Energy Union in Belgium

EU Commission Pushes Energy Union in Belgium

On September 25, European Commission Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič started his second part of the Energy Union Tour to Belgium, this time with a special focus on cities

The Eurozone’s Political Integration is Now Less Likely

The Eurozone’s Political Integration is Now Less Likely

Sunday’s German elections saw the worst result for the Christian Democrats (CDU) and the Social Democrats (SPD) since 1949. The status quo no longer has the political authority to reform the status quo. Germany has shown it is less exceptional than anyone thought