English Edition

Bulgarian Govt Says Will Revoke CEZ License By End Of Day

Bulgarian Govt Says Will Revoke CEZ License By End Of Day

Coming under intense public pressure, Bulgaria's government Tuesday said that by the end of the day it would revoke the electricity distribution license held by Czech 70% state-owned power company CEZ AS (BAACEZ.PR), a move the company says goes against European Union law.

Environment Committee Backs Emissions Trading Fix

Environment Committee Backs Emissions Trading Fix

A freeze in the auction of some pollution allowances should be allowed to help boost green investments, according to environment committee MEPs voting on draft legislation on Tuesday.

EU Energy Chief: Permanent Reform of Carbon Market Poses Legal Challenges

EU Energy Chief: Permanent Reform of Carbon Market Poses Legal Challenges

A permanent reform to raise prices on the European Union's ailing carbon market would pose legal challenges, said European Commissioner for Energy Guenther Oettinger, raising a skeptical note about efforts to inject new life in the bloc's flagship program to fight climate change.

IEA Chief Economist Says Europe Second Largest Coal Consumer

IEA Chief Economist Says Europe Second Largest Coal Consumer

The chief economist at the International Energy Agency said Monday that Europe is the second largest coal consumer after China, proof that the continent's current carbon policy is not working.

Bulgaria Sacks Finance Minister After Protests Over Electricity Prices

Bulgaria Sacks Finance Minister After Protests Over Electricity Prices

Bulgaria sacked its finance minister on Monday after a weekend of demonstrations over electricity prices brought tens of thousands onto the streets, raising pressure on a government that had until recently defied political gravity by retaining popularity in the teeth of an austerity drive.

Jordan Potash Firm in Talks With Israel To Buy Gas

Jordan Potash Firm in Talks With Israel To Buy Gas

Jordan's Arab Potash Company (APOT.AJ), one of the world's largest potash producers, is in talks with an Israeli firm to buy gas to power its plants and reduce production costs, the government said Monday.

Protests by Bulgarians Over their High Electricity Bills are Spreading

Protests by Bulgarians Over their High Electricity Bills are Spreading

Protests by Bulgarians over their high electricity bills have spread over the past week, resulting in 10s of thousands gathering in more than 20 cities on Sunday, February 17 and increasing pressure on a government that is already seeing its support ebb government, newswires reported.

Greece’s Minister of Maritime to Open IENE’s «Energy and Shipping» International Seminar on March 6, 2013

Greece’s Minister of Maritime to Open IENE’s «Energy and Shipping» International Seminar on March 6, 2013

Focusing on the rising interconnection of maritime transport and energy commodities, as well as on the promising prospects for the transportation of energy cargoes by the Greek merchant fleet, IENE is organizing its 2nd International Seminar on «Energy and Shipping» on March 6, 2013, at the Eugenides Foundation Conference Centre (387, Syngrou Ave.) in Athens. This year’s Seminar is held under the auspices of the Greek Chapter of the “International Chamber of Commerce – Hellas”, while Greece's Minister of Maritime and the Aegean, Mr. Kostis Moussouroulis, will be the keynote speaker, signalling his government’s interest of this crucial sector for the country’s economy

E.ON Sells Stake in Finnish Nuclear Project

E.ON Sells Stake in Finnish Nuclear Project

Finland's Voimaosakeyhtioe SF said Friday it has purchased German utility company E.ON AG's (EOAN.XE) 34% share of Fennovoima, which owns a nuclear power plant project in Pyhaejoki.

The EUs Broken Emissions Scheme

The EU's Broken Emissions Scheme

The European Union's Emissions Trading Scheme should be the world's biggest and best legislative action against climate change. Instead it is a broken, dying scheme that has the confidence of neither the affected companies nor environmental campaigners.

N.Korea Tells China of Preparations for Fresh Nuclear Test

N.Korea Tells China of Preparations for Fresh Nuclear Test

North Korea informed China of its plans to hold one or even two fresh nuclear tests this year with the aim of forcing the United States into diplomatic talks, Reuters reported Friday, citing a person with direct knowledge of the exchange.