English Edition

OPEC Cuts Disrupt Planned Oil Projects Worldwide

OPEC Cuts Disrupt Planned Oil Projects Worldwide

Oil production cuts by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) disrupts planned production programs and related oil service projects throughout the world, according to the CEO of Dateline Energy Services Ltd. in Nigeria

Global Oil Production up in November 2019

Global Oil Production up in November 2019

Global oil supply increased in November by 0.41 million barrels per day (mb/d) month on month to average 99.78 mb/d, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) said in its report on Wednesday

EBRD to Work on Environmental Action Plan in Izmir

EBRD to Work on Environmental Action Plan in Izmir

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the municipality of Izmir will work on an action plan to improve the urban environment and lives of 4.3 million people living in Turkey’s third-largest city, according to an EBRD press release on Wednesday

No Country on Path Compatible With Paris Climate Target

No Country on Path Compatible With Paris Climate Target

As the climate crisis accelerates and dramatically impacts human lives to the core in many ways, a great number of countries are not on a compatible path with Paris climate targets, according to the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) 2020 on Tuesday.

Countdown Begins for Turkstream Operation Start

Countdown Begins for Turkstream Operation Start

Ahead of the opening ceremony to bring together Turkish and Russian presidents for the launch of the TurkStream Pipeline on Jan. 8, 2020, the countdown for the operation phase of the project started with the final touches being made for the project.

LNG is Vital Part of Turkey-US $100B Trade Volume Aim

LNG is Vital Part of Turkey-US $100B Trade Volume Aim

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) trade between Turkey and the U.S. could contribute to achieve a trade volume of $100 billion, Defne Sadiklar Arslan, director of U.S.-based think tank Atlantic Council in Turkey told Anadolu Agency on Friday.

Aramco Earns Record $25B From IPO, Valuation Hits $1.7T

Aramco Earns Record $25B From IPO, Valuation Hits $1.7T

Saudi Aramco has earned a record amount of approximately $25 billion from its initial public offering (IPO), the Saudi Arabian national oil company said in a press release on Thursday.

OPEC, Allies to Lower Oil Output 500,000 Barrels More

OPEC, Allies to Lower Oil Output 500,000 Barrels More

OPEC and its allies agreed on Friday to lower their collective crude oil production by an additional 500,000 barrels per day (bpd) for the first quarter of 2020. The additional cuts to oil output will be implemented beginning Jan. 1, 2020 and will be added to the current production deal already in place.

US Crude Oil Inventories Decline for W/Ending Nov. 29

US Crude Oil Inventories Decline for W/Ending Nov. 29

U.S. crude oil inventories decreased much by more than the market expectation for the week ending Nov. 29, according to data released by the country's Energy Information Administration (EIA) on Wednesday.

Kozloduy NPP Will Be Supplied with Nuclear Fuel by 2025

Kozloduy NPP Will Be Supplied with Nuclear Fuel by 2025

Russian nuclear fuelcycle company TVEL, which is part of Russian state corporationRosatomand Bulgaria’sKozloduy NPPhave signed a contract for the supply of Russian nuclear fuelto Bulgaria by 2025, TASS reported. 

Turkstream to Boost Europes Energy Security: Putin

Turkstream to Boost Europe's Energy Security: Putin

The TurkStream natural gas pipeline will strengthen security of both Europe and the Balkans, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday. The installment of pipes on the Serbian territory will be completed in the coming weeks, Putin told a news conference in Sochi following a meeting with his Serbian counterpart Alexandar Vucic.

Libya Hails Deal With Turkey on Maritime Boundaries

Libya Hails Deal With Turkey on Maritime Boundaries

A memorandum on maritime boundaries in the eastern Mediterranean Sea is important to secure Libya’s natural resources, the country’s High Council of State said Tuesday.

Erdogan Vetoes Law Due to Environmental Concerns

Erdogan Vetoes Law Due to Environmental Concerns

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan vetoed a law Monday that would have delayed the installation of filters on thermal power plants, according to the spokesman for the country’s ruling party.

Turkeys Daily Power Consumption Down 8.44% on Dec. 1

Turkey's Daily Power Consumption Down 8.44% on Dec. 1

Turkey's daily electricity consumption decreased by 8.44% to 713,977 megawatt-hours on Sunday, according to official figures of Turkish Electricity Transmission Corporation (TEIAS) on Monday.