English Edition

Bulgarian Tranport Minister: We Are Looking For EC Funding For Electric Transport During the New Programming Period

Bulgarian Tranport Minister: We Are Looking For EC Funding For Electric Transport During the New Programming Period

Bulgaria, together with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, will seekfundingfrom the European Commission (EC) for electromobility projects in the next programming period, Nino Dimov, Minister of Environment and Water, announced at the opening of the National Trust Ecofund Annual Event (NTEF), which took place at the Ministry of Environment and Water.

Climate-Conscious Traveling Made Easy With New Website

Climate-Conscious Traveling Made Easy With New Website

People who want to lower their carbon footprint are looking to calculate how much emissions their travel plans create via a new website developed by the Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden. The new website, travelandclimate.org, gives a simple calculation of the emissions from different modes of travel for any journey.

Energy Investments to Increase in Norway in 2020

Energy Investments to Increase in Norway in 2020

An Norwegian investment survey in May within the oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and quarrying and electricity supply sectors estimates investments of NOK 228 billion ($26.21 billion) for 2020, 8.2% higher than the corresponding figure for 2019, according to the Statistics Norway (SSB) on Tuesday.

Turkeys Electricity Consumption up 1.68 Pct in May

Turkey's Electricity Consumption up 1.68 Pct in May

Turkey's electricity consumption increased by 1.68 percent in May compared to the same month of 2018, according to data released by Turkey's Energy and Natural Resources Ministry.

Russia to Deliver Power of Siberia Gas from Dec.1

Russia to Deliver Power of Siberia Gas from Dec.1

Russia aims to deliver natural gas to China via the Power of Siberia pipeline from Dec. 1, Deputy Chairman of the company Vitaly Markelov said late Tuesday. Markelov confirmed that the volume of initial deliveries would be 10 million cubic meters per day but would increase.

Turkeys Energy Import Bill up 12.5% in April 2019

Turkey's Energy Import Bill up 12.5% in April 2019

Turkey's energy import bill increased by nearly 12.5% to over $3.50 billion in April compared to the same month of 2018, according to data released by the Turkish Statistical Institute on Friday.

Electric Car Sales up by 2 Million in 2018

Electric Car Sales up by 2 Million in 2018

The global electric car fleet rose in 2018 to exceed 5.1 million, up 2 million from the previous year, according to the International Energy Agency's Global Electric Vehicle (EV) Outlook report released on Wednesday.

Decline in Nuclear Energy to Threaten Climate Goals

Decline in Nuclear Energy to Threaten Climate Goals

The lack of further lifetime extensions of existing nuclear power plants and new projects could result in an additional 4 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions, as the use of gas for electricity security would increase, the International Energy Agency said in a recent report published Tuesday.

World Falls Short of Sustainable Energy Goals for 2030

World Falls Short of Sustainable Energy Goals for 2030

The world is falling short of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SGD) for 2030 when 2.2 billion people are estimated to be without access to clean cooking while 650 million will live in the dark, despite more people worldwide having greater access to power than before, according to a new report released Wednesday.

Turkeys Crude Oil Imports up 87.22% in March 2019

Turkey's Crude Oil Imports up 87.22% in March 2019

Turkey's crude oil imports increased by 87.22% to 2.5 million tonnes in March 2019 compared to the same month of 2018, according to a report released by the country's energy watchdog on Monday.

Shell Starts Output At Appomattox in Gulf of Mexico

Shell Starts Output At Appomattox in Gulf of Mexico

Royal Dutch Shell Plc., through its subsidiary Shell Offshore Inc. (Shell), announced Thursday that production started at the Shell-operated Appomattox floating production system in the U.S.' Gulf of Mexico. Appomattox is a joint venture between Shell (79%, operator) and CNOOC Petroleum Offshore U.S.A. Inc., a subsidiary of China’s CNOOC Limited (21%).

Turkey to Form Energy Fund for $2B Non-Performing Loans

Turkey to Form Energy Fund for $2B Non-Performing Loans

Banks in Turkey are currently working on an Energy Venture Capital Fund as a method of refinancing non-performing loans up to US$2 billion, Garanti Bank's Executive Vice President told Anadolu Agency on Thursday. The fund will see the financial transfer of four to five natural gas and hydropower plants with 1,500-2,000 megawatts of capacity.

Saudi Aramco Signs Deal to Buy LNG From US Sempra

Saudi Aramco Signs Deal to Buy LNG From US' Sempra

Saudi Aramco and Sempra Energy announced Wednesday that their respective subsidiaries, Sempra LNG and Aramco Services Company, signed a heads of agreement (HOA) for the sale of LNG offtake from Sempra's Port Arthur LNG project in North America, as well as a 25% equity investment in Phase 1 of the project.