Greek Regulator Sets Renewable Charge at 7,5 Euros per MWh

Greek Regulator Sets Renewable Charge at 7,5 Euros per MWh
by Harry Aposporis
Πεμ, 9 Αυγούστου 2012 - 16:22
The greek energy regulator (RAE) decided on Thursday to increase the renewable charge that electricity consumers have to pay through their bills, to 7.50 euros per MWh for the period between August 2012 and June 2013.
The greek energy regulator (RAE) decided on Thursday to increase the renewable charge that electricity consumers have to pay through their bills, to 7.50 euros per MWh for the period between August 2012 and June 2013.

According to the decision's rationale, the total ammount of renewable power production projected for that period is 6.600 GWh, plus another 864 GWh for those systems not connected to the central power grid.

Furthermore, the annual payments for the producers of renewable energy is projected at 1,162.6 million euros plus 145.5 million for not connected systems. In order for the funding system to work, RAE concluded that the renewable charge has to increase significantly. The authority also stated that currently there is a deficit of about 300 million euros in those payments, that has to be addressed immediately.

According to RAE, the new levels for the renewable charge are as follows:

Consumer category - Charge (€/MWh)
High voltage - 4,58
Agricultural use middle voltage - 4,35
Other middle voltage - 7,17
Agricultural use low voltage - 5,61
Residential low voltage - 8,74
Other low voltage - 9,53

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