Bela Anta Plans Up to 120 MW Wind Park Near Serbia's Pancevo

Bela Anta Plans Up to 120 MW Wind Park Near Serbias Pancevo
Τρι, 25 Νοεμβρίου 2014 - 18:46
Belgrade-based company Wellbury-Bela Anta plans the construction of an up to 120 megawatt (MW) wind park near the Serbian town of Pancevo, the project's detailed zoning plan indicated
Belgrade-based company Wellbury-Bela Anta plans the construction of an up to 120 megawatt (MW) wind park near the Serbian town of Pancevo, the project's detailed zoning plan indicated.

As part of its Dolovo wind park project, the company plans to deploy up to 40 wind turbines, the document showed.

The estimated value of the Dolovo wind park project, excluding land acquisition costs, is 121.9 million euro ($151.1 million).

Serbia does not have any installed wind power capacity.

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