Supporting Greece to Exit the Crisis

Supporting Greece to Exit the Crisis
New Europe
Τρι, 23 Δεκεμβρίου 2014 - 18:15
18 new EU investment Programmes for Greece and each of its regions have been given the green light on 22 December by the European Commission

18 new EU investment Programmes for Greece and each of its regions have been given the green light on 22 December by the European Commission. These strategic investment programmes for 2014-2020 represent a major support in helping the country out of the crisis and will help creating jobs as well as new opportunities for growth and economic development. Together the value of the programmes amounts to more than €17 billion from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Cohesion Fund (CF).

Five national programmes adopted today cover investments in competiveness and innovation; transport and environment; and technical assistance to support an efficient and modern management of these programmes. Contrary to the previous programming period 2007-2013, every one of the 13 Greek regions will have its own, tailored programme of investments.

Commissioner for Regional Policy, Corina Crețu who jointly approved the Operational Programmes for Greece said:"We can only tackle the crisis if we work together and help each other. This major investment plan represents our commitment to support Greece's own efforts to get back on the path to growth. Each investment will be strategically targeted on the critical needs of each region: from transport and environment to support for SMEs, these programmes will deliver concrete benefits to the people of Greece. We need to make the best use of this investment opportunity, business as usual is not an option. Together, we can bring back trust and growth to the Greek economy."

Marianne Thyssen, Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, said: "For the period 2014-2020, around 800 million euro will be invested in the Greek regions from the European Social Fund aiming mainly to promote social inclusion and combat poverty. We will also support actions to promote sustainable and quality employment, equal opportunities and socio-economic integration of marginalised communities. The promotion of social entrepreneurship will also be supported through the ESF as a tool to facilitate access to employment and provide better services to those most in need".

The Greek programmes contribute to European goals for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth by channelling vital funding into the real economy - supporting small and medium sized enterprises, R&D and innovation, focusing on linking academic and research centres with enterprises as well as into the promotion of education, training, employment and social inclusion. To this end, 34.500 SMEs will receive support and around 2.700 new enterprises are expected to be created and 2.000 SMEs to cooperate with research institutions in order to promote research and innovation. This support from the programmes would result in employment increase of more than 16.000 full time equivalents and around 8.000 new researchers working in supported entities.

Investments will also focus on energy efficiency of public and private buildings, showing country's commitment to move towards a low-carbon economy. More than 26.000 households will be classified in improved energy consumption category and almost 200.000 energy users will connect to smart grids.

A key focus will be on protecting the environment as well as natural and cultural heritage and promoting sustainable urban development. Waste recycling capacity will increase to 1.2 million tonnes per year while around 1 million more people will be served by improved water supply and waste water treatment.

Last but not least, the new programming will target at completing key infrastructures, in particular for transport, therefore constructing some 260km new TEN-T roads and 161km TEN-T railways.

In the meantime, the adoption of a new law proposed by the Greek authorities to govern the Management and control system of the 2014-2020 programming period is expected before the end of the year. It should provide for a sound and transparent management system that will operate in a context of well framed antifraud strategy.

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