Επιλεγμένες Ειδήσεις από New Europe

Road To South Stream Is Paved With Good Intentions

Road To South Stream Is Paved With Good Intentions

The reason an EU-Russia task force on theSouth Streamgas pipelineproject was formed is not to renegotiate the Inter-Governmental Agreements between the countries concerned and Russia but to look at ways of using possible exemptions from the Third Energy Package, Russia’s ambassador to the EU has said.

Iranian Foreign Minister Calls for Lift of Remaining Sanctions Against Iran

Iranian Foreign Minister Calls for Lift of Remaining Sanctions Against Iran

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has called on the international community to lift all sanctions against Iran over its nuclear programme in order to help reach a final agreement on the matter. As Zarif said at joint press conference with visiting Spanish Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo: "What is important is boosting the Iranians' confidence and respecting their rights"

With the West Scrambling, Putin Makes No Concession

With the West Scrambling, Putin Makes No Concession

In his first press conference since the beginning of the new Ukraine crisis, Vladimir Putin has called the change of government in Kiev an "unconstitutional overthrow and an armed seizure of power." Speaking at his residence in Moscow, Putin said Viktor Yanukovych is still Ukraine's legitimate president. He said he understood the Ukrainian people's need for change but that illegal change couldn't be encouraged