Επιλεγμένες Ειδήσεις από New Europe

EU Parliament Sets Ambitious Green Energy Targets for Europe

EU Parliament Sets Ambitious Green Energy Targets for Europe

The European Parliament’s Industry and Energy Committee (ITRE) voted on November 28 to reduce energy consumption by 40% by 2030 at EU level. MEPs wanted to be more ambitious than the EU Commission, which had proposed a 30% reduction.

Brussels Opens In-Depth Investigation into Spain’s Support for Coal Power Plants

Brussels Opens In-Depth Investigation into Spain’s Support for Coal Power Plants

An in-depth investigation was launched by the European Commission in order to assess whether Spain’s environmental incentive for coal power plants is in line with the European Union’s State aid rules. “If you pollute, you pay – this is a long-standing principle in EU environmental law,”

EU Ambassadors Endorse ETS Reform Deal with European Parliament

EU Ambassadors Endorse ETS Reform Deal with European Parliament

EU ambassador met on November 22 endorsing the provisional deal reached between the Estonian presidency and the European Parliament on November 9 on the reform of the EU emissions trading system (ETS) for the period after 2020. The agreed text will now be submitted to the European Parliament for approval, the Council said on November 22.

COP23 Climate Talks Accelerate Paris Agreement Implementation

COP23 Climate Talks Accelerate Paris Agreement Implementation

This year’s United Nations climate conference, COP23, concluded on November 17 in Bonn, under the presidency of Fiji, with nearly 200 countries taking steps forward to ensure global climate action through implementation of the Paris Agreement, the European Commission said.

EU Energy Community Extends to Ukraine, Moldova, Western Balkans

EU Energy Community Extends to Ukraine, Moldova, Western Balkans

The European Union wants to use the Energy Community to integrate Ukraine, Moldova and Western Balkan countries as well as other neighbouring states into the European energy system, European Commission Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič told New Europe in Strasbourg.

EU Pushes Inland Waterways as Low-Carbon Transport

EU Pushes Inland Waterways as Low-Carbon Transport

European Transport Commissioner Violeta Bulc is attending the Inland waterways and ports dialogue in Strasbourg on November 15 to discuss a vision for inland waterways transport towards 2030. “European inland waterways and ports have united people and facilitated growth for centuries,” Bulc said.

Environmental Groups Take Norway to Court Over Arctic Circle Oil Policy

Environmental Groups Take Norway to Court Over Arctic Circle Oil Policy

Norway is taken to Court for granting ten exploration licenses in the Arctic Circle to Statoil, Chevron, Lukoil, and ConocoPhillips. Since 2014, Norway has a constitutional commitment to environmental sustainability for future generations, which environmental groups like Greenpeace argue is violated by further oil and gas exploration.

Russia’s Gazprom, Vietnam Advance Strategic Partnership

Russia’s Gazprom, Vietnam Advance Strategic Partnership

On November 10, Gazprom Chairman Alexey Miller and Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (PetroVietnam) CEO Nguyen Vu Truong Son held a working meeting on the margins of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Danang, Vietnam where they discussed a wide range of issues related to bilateral partnership, including hydrocarbon production and geological exploration in Vietnam.

The Real Risk to the Global Economy

The Real Risk to the Global Economy

One of the great mysteries of today’s global markets is their irrepressible enthusiasm, even as the world around them appears on the verge of chaos or collapse. And yet, investors may be more rational than they appear when it comes to pricing in political risks. If investing is foremost about discounting future cash flows, it’s important to focus precisely on what will and will not affect those calculations.

Commission: Greece Will Surpass Primary Surplus Objectives in 2018

Commission: Greece Will Surpass Primary Surplus Objectives in 2018

The European Commission projected on Thursday that Greece will achieve a 3,9% primary surplus in 2018. The agreed objective between Greece and its creditors is 3,5%. The overall budget surplus – after servicing debt – is projected to be 0,9% in 2018, down from a 1,2% deficit this year.

Commission Takes Steps to Extend EU Gas Rules to Import Pipelines

Commission Takes Steps to Extend EU Gas Rules to Import Pipelines

The European Commission took steps on November 8 to extend European Union gas rules to import pipelines, a move that the EC says is not aimed at preventing the construction of any new gas pipelines such as Nord Stream-2.

Snubbing Trump, California Joins EU in Joint Climate Push

Snubbing Trump, California Joins EU in Joint Climate Push

Despite the decision of US President Donald Trump to pull out of the Paris climate accord, California is extending its joint efforts with the European Union to implement carbon markets and zero-carbon transportation policies.