Επιλεγμένες Ειδήσεις από New Europe

Navigating the Energy Revolution

Navigating the Energy Revolution

For decades, the international energy landscape has been relatively stable, with producers like Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Algeria selling oil and gas to consumers in the United States and Europe. In a few years, however, the energy terrain is likely to be unrecognizable, as dramatic technological, economic, and geopolitical changes reshape commercial relationships worldwide

The Energy Summit in London Ahead of Climate Talks in Paris

The Energy Summit in London Ahead of Climate Talks in Paris

As diplomats are holding their breath ahead of the Conference for the Framework Convention on Climate Change in Paris this December, the energy sector’s lobbyists, firms, movers and shakers, are also preparing in London. The objective of the Paris Conference is an agreement that will keep a ceiling on CO2 emissions and, therefore, the rise of climate within levels that can be dealt with from the international community

Turkey Will See Russia in Court Over Gas Prices

Turkey Will See Russia in Court Over Gas Prices

Turkey’s decision to file an international arbitration case against Russian gas monopoly Gazprom over gas prices is not related to the planned Turkish Stream gas pipeline but to existing gas contracts, an ex-CEO of Turkey’s Botas told New Europe

Subsea Power Link Between Denmark, UK Delayed

Subsea Power Link Between Denmark, UK Delayed

A planned subsea power link between Denmark and Britain is slated to begin at the end of 2022, later than expected, according to a report published by the UK’s Press and Journa

China Buying Into UK Nuclear Plants

China Buying Into UK Nuclear Plants

UK Prime Minister David Cameron and visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping confirmed a controversial nuke deal under which China General Nuclear Power Corporation (CGN) will invest GBP 6 billion ($9 billion) in EDF’s Hinkley Point project in Somerset, Britain’s first new nuclear plant in a generation

Hillary Clinton Comes Out Against Trans-Pacific Partnership

Hillary Clinton Comes Out Against Trans-Pacific Partnership

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday she does not support the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal. "What I know about it, as of today, I am not in favor”, Clinton told in an interview with PBS’s Judith Woodruff in Iowa

Ukraine Looks to Kazakhstan for Supply of Power Stations

Ukraine Looks to Kazakhstan for Supply of Power Stations

At bilateral meeting of the Presidents of Ukraine and Kazakhstan on October 9, the two sides discussed a wide range of issues related to bilateral cooperation, including trade and economic sphere, fuel and energy and agro-industrial complexes

Big Oil, Big Tobacco, Big Lies

Big Oil, Big Tobacco, Big Lies

Over the last few years, a growing number of people have been taking a hard look at what is happening to our planet – historic droughts, rising sea levels, massive floods – and acknowledging, finally, that human activity is propelling rapid climate change. But guess what? Exxon (now ExxonMobil) had an inkling of this as early as 1978

NATO Ready to Defend Turkey

NATO Ready to Defend Turkey

NATO secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg said alliance defense ministers on Thursday will consider the implications for NATO’s own security of the “troubling escalation of Russian militaryactivities” in Syria. He said NATO is ready to deploy forces, if needed, to defend alliance member Turkey