Επιλεγμένες Ειδήσεις από New Europe

Tsipras in Brussels to Force Juncker΄s Hand

Tsipras in Brussels to Force Juncker΄s Hand

The Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker might be Alexis Tsipras’s onlyremainingfriend. It is anyway what the Greek primeministerseems to think, hence his decision to fly to Brussels today, where he met Juncker and alsothe speaker of the European Parliament Martin Schulz.

ECB Increases ELA Ceiling for Greek Banks

ECB Increases ELA Ceiling for Greek Banks

The European Central Bank (ECB) increased today the maximum Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA) that Greek banks can get from their national central bank by 600 million euros.

Europe is Aging Unequally Bringing Problems

Europe is Aging Unequally Bringing Problems

A new report from the World Bank looks at how central European and Baltic countries are aging differently to the rest of Europe and makes suggestions for policymakers. The lead author, Emily Sinnot spoke to New Europe.

Greece Revives WW2 German Reparations

Greece Revives WW2 German Reparations

One day after Greece's prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, raised the question of WWII German reparations saying that his country has never been fully compensated by Germany, the Greek Justice Minister said today he is ready to authorise confiscation of German assets in Greece in implementation of an old Supreme Court decision for the compensation for victims of Nazi atrocities.

Greece and Germany in Cold War

Greece and Germany in Cold War

Yesterday (March 10) German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble made an unusually tough statement on Greece, indicating that Greece must fulfill all its obligations stemming from the memorandum of understanding (signed by the previous government) in order to get the next installment paid.

Greece Rebuffed by EU Creditors: Stop Wasting Time

Greece Rebuffed by EU Creditors: Stop Wasting Time

Greece's European creditors told Athens to stop wasting time and flesh out starting Wednesday its proposals for economic reforms, which are crucial to releasing vital funds to assure financial survival.

Greece the Eurogroup and the Impasse

Greece the Eurogroup and the Impasse

One and a half months after the Greek election on the 25th of January, the Greek government has a clear understanding of its problem. WhenSyriza won the election, it had no idea of the cash flow problem the country would be shortly facing. Now it does.

Pipeline Across the Adriatic Sea Gains Momentum

Pipeline Across the Adriatic Sea Gains Momentum

ATHENS - The consortium planning a new natural gas pipeline for the European market across Greece, Albania and the Adriatic Sea to Italy said contractors are invited to bid on offshore construction work.

No Diabolical Plan Against Greece Says Juncker

No Diabolical Plan Against Greece Says Juncker

"There has been no diabolical plan of Spain and Portugal to derail the Greek government”, said European Commission president, Jean Claude Juncker, according to the Spanish newspaper, El Pais.

EU Wants an Agenda on Migration

EU Wants an Agenda on Migration

The European Commission today launched its work on a new European Agenda on Migration, even as it was announced that Italyrescuednearly 1,000 migrants,10 of which died at sea. The College of Commissioners held a first orientation debate on key actions to step up the EU's efforts to implement the existing tools and cooperation in managing migration flows from third countries.

Moscow - Kiev Reach One - Month Gas Deal but Risks Remain

Moscow - Kiev Reach One - Month Gas Deal but Risks Remain

Following emergency talks in Brussels, Russia and Ukraine’s energy ministers reached an agreement late on March 2 to ensure natural gas supplies to Ukraine for the month of March, averting possible cuts that could have hit supplies to theEuropean Union.