Επιλεγμένες Ειδήσεις από New Europe

The Fear

The Fear

The basic reason for creating a European Union was to stop the continent from being afraid of Germany, so it is alarming to see a fear of Germany reappearing in many capitals of Europe.

Calling Each Others Bluff: The German - Greek Poker Keeps EU Hostage

Calling Each Other's Bluff: The German - Greek Poker Keeps EU Hostage

Another round of negotiations takes place today in Brussels, after Greece dropped key demands for a bailout settlement, but had its proposal rejected by lead lender Germany, which criticized Athens' latest proposals as a "Trojan horse" designed to dodge its commitments.

The Zorbas Syndrome

The Zorbas Syndrome

Ordinary Greeks are living in extraordinary times. In less than a month, after five years of extended misery looming all over the country, Greeks, all Greeks regardless of howthey have voted in the January 25 election, changed attitude and swiftly became Zorbases.

Varoufakis Letter to Dijsselbloem

Varoufakis Letter to Dijsselbloem

Letter sent to the Eurogroup president, Jeroen Dijsselbloem by Greek Finance Minister, Yanis Varoufakis

Germany Rejects Greek Request After Commission Says its Positive

Germany Rejects Greek Request After Commission Says it's Positive

Hours after Greece sent a request for extending Athens' programme even before it is discussed in the Eurogroup on Friday, German Finance Ministry spokesman Martin Jaeger saidthat the request sent today bythe new Greek government "is not a substantial proposal for a solution."

EU Mulls Energy Union Independence Efficiency

EU Mulls Energy Union Independence Efficiency

As the European Commission is expected to release its Energy Union communication on February25, European Commission Vice President Maros Sefcovic said the creation of a single market is closely related to a reduction in dependency on energy imports and to an increase in the security of energy supplies.

Cyprus - Egypt Pipeline Talk Shuts Out Israel

Cyprus - Egypt Pipeline Talk Shuts Out Israel

On the backdrop of Houston-based Noble’s problems in Israel, Cyprus and Egypt have upped their energy ties with a deal to sort out the technical details of laying an undersea pipeline that would carry offshore natural gas to Egyptian processing facilities.

Women Poor Hit Hardest by Climate Change

Women Poor Hit Hardest by Climate Change

As the world prepares for the United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP21 in Paris at the end of the year, where it is hoped that a legally binding agreement on Climate Change may be reached, it is important to remember that, while all of us will be affected by future change, some of the world’s poorest and marginalised communities are often already affected.

Tsipras Accuses Dijsselbloem of Switching Texts

Tsipras Accuses Dijsselbloem of Switching Texts

The Greek government will not step back from it's programme, said Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras, directly accusing Eurogroup president, Jeroen Dijsselbloem of switching the text that has been agreed upon during yesterdays Eurogroup meeting in Brussels.

Prokopis Pavlopoulos to Be New President in Greece

Prokopis Pavlopoulos to Be New President in Greece

Prokopis Pavlopoulos, a former minister of the center right "Nea Dimokratia" partywill be proposed by the Greek government as the new President of the Greek Republic, as the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras announced.

France Hints To An Easing On Greece

France Hints To An Easing On Greece

French Finance Minister Michel Sapin hinted at a slight easing ofeuro zoneopposition to Greek requests for an end to austerity and a new debt deal, saying Europe must respect the political change in Athens. On arrival in Brussels, he urged the Greeks to extend their current deal to allow time for talks.