Επιλεγμένες Ειδήσεις από New Europe

The Hunt For Red Cash

The Hunt For Red Cash

Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said in Istanbul on February 10 that Moscow could only provide Greece with rubles if Athens asked Russia for financial aid.

Merkel Samaras European Party EPP to Greece: Pay Up

Merkel Samaras European Party EPP to Greece: Pay Up

Europe'scentre-right, the European Peoples' Party, whose members include Greece's former New Democracy government and Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union has told Greece to pay their debts, ahead of the Eurogroup meeting.

New Solidarność in the Making

New Solidarność in the Making

The bell for the first round of the fight between Greece and the Eurogroup willring tomorrow in the Eurogroup extraordinary meeting for Greece.

No Concrete Proposal on Greek Debt this Week

No Concrete Proposal on Greek Debt this Week

The European Union's executive says it is unlikely that a final agreement with Greece over easing its bailout debt load will be reached at meetings this week.

Brexit in 2016 ?

Brexit in 2016 ?

Europe is focused on the Greek crisis as a game of realpolitik plays out that could decide the future of Europe, but there may be another test coming sooner than many feared.

Podemos Top Spanish Poll

Podemos Top Spanish Poll

Podemos, Spain's anti-austerity left party, is leading the pollswith 27.7%. The centre-rightPopular Party are second on 20.9%, the centre-left PSOE are on 18.3% with the liberal Ciudadanoson 12.2%.

If Greece is Left to go Bankrupt

If Greece is Left to go Bankrupt

By April or May or even before, that makes no difference, Greece will run out of cash and the government will have no money to pay salaries and pensions. Unless ECB makes the payments to Greece as scheduled. This means that the “bras de fer” between the Greek government and the Eurogroup, in one way or an other, will come to an end.

UK Prepares for Grexit

UK Prepares for Grexit

David Cameron, the British Premier has led a meeting to prepare for a possible Greek exit from the Eurozone.

After Syriza: When Fringe Becomes Mainstream

After Syriza: When Fringe Becomes Mainstream

The political tsunami unleashed bySyrizainGreecemade many dreamers in Europe among “fringe”, some even downright extremist, partieshoping to emulate that success.

Yanis Varoufakis - The Occasional Marxist

Yanis Varoufakis - The Occasional Marxist

He was controversial in Greece even before being chosen by the leftist premier Alexis Tsipras to rescue the country’s finances. For some, Yanis Varoufakis is a brilliant, unconventional economist; for others, he’s just a compulsive liar: “Baroufakis”, as some call him, a rather much too easy pun on “baroufa”, a slang word for nonsense.

Extraordinary Eurozone Meeting Announced

Extraordinary Eurozone Meeting Announced

Extraordinary Eurozone meeting on Greece officially announced. It will convene on 11 February at 17.30, on the eve of the European Summit of 12 February.

Yes Only Juncker Can Save Greece (II)

Yes Only Juncker Can Save Greece (II)

Our story “OnlyJunckercan save Greece” was widely read and raised many questions. Our Greekfriends were surprised from what they read and could not believe that neitherthe Greekgovernments nor the European Commission acted to stop the Greekcartels during the last thirty years.

Varoufakis to Schaeuble: Use Us in Context of the European Project

Varoufakis to Schaeuble: Use Us in Context of the European Project

Asking for a “bridging programme” that will give Greece time to present its proposals to the IMF, the EU and the ECB, expressing respect for “established treaties and agreements” but without “crushing” Greece and Europe, the new Greek Finance Minister, Yanis Varoufakis disagreed with German Finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble even about disagreeing...

Putin Invites Tsipras to Moscow

Putin Invites Tsipras to Moscow

In politics timing is everything. As Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakiswas being rebuffed by Germany'sWolfgang Schaeuble, President Putin gave world leaders a masterclass in the art of politics.