Επιλεγμένες Ειδήσεις από New Europe

Moody’s Downgrades Gazprom

Moody’s Downgrades Gazprom

On January 20, Moody’s Investors Service has downgraded Russian gas monopoly Gazprom’s foreign-currency ratings to Baa3 from Baa2 and local-currency ratings to Baa2 from Baa1.

Oil Price Drop Takes Its Toll on Kazakhstan

Oil Price Drop Takes Its Toll on Kazakhstan

With the lion’s share of Kazakhstan’s budget formed from the crude oil sales, the current plunge of crude oil prices may result in a shortage of petroleum products, experts say. They also predict a general decrease of production over the year and the bankruptcy of smaller oil producing companies.

Bottom Drops Out of Russian Oil Barrel

Bottom Drops Out of Russian Oil Barrel

Bracing for an even more dramatic decline in oil prices that has slowed down the Russian economy and weakened the ruble, the Bank of Russia will include a “stress scenario,” assuming global oil prices at $40 per barrel, in its revised forecast of the economic situation in the country.

Terror Looming in the Capital of Europe

Terror Looming in the Capital of Europe

The Belgian federal police averted a major terrorist attack in the European capital. High ranking European officials in Brusselspraised the work of the Belgian authorities in the matter. Earlier today, the Commission’s Spokesman stated that the Belgian terrorist events do not concern the European Commission.

Russia Pressures EU Over Turkish Gas Corridor

Russia Pressures EU Over Turkish Gas Corridor

Russia has not reduced gas supplies to Europe, a European Commission spokesperson told New Europe on January 15. “To our information gas supplies are normal,” she said, brushing off Russian gas monopoly Gazprom’s warnings that there is a risk that Europe could see a drop in supplies piped via Ukraine this winter.

Bulgaria Embraces Energy Union After South Stream Scrapping

Bulgaria Embraces Energy Union After South Stream Scrapping

Hard on the heels of the scrapping of the Russian-backed South Stream gas pipeline to Europe, Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov told European Commission Vice President in charge of the Energy Union Maros Sefcovic in Brussels on January 12 that his country is committed to building an Energy Union, one of the political priorities of the Juncker Commission.

OPEC Sticks to Its Guns as Oil Prices Fall

OPEC Sticks to Its Guns as Oil Prices Fall

Prospects appeared dim again for crude oil prices on January 13. Brent and US WTIcrudeoilprices fell to their lowest levels in almost six years as the United Arab Emirates, a big producer of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) stood by the cartel’s decision not to reduce production to stop crude oil prices from plunging further.

The End of Cyprus Airways

The End of Cyprus Airways

Cyprus Airways the national air carrier of Cyprus closed down due tothe decision of the European Commission to ask theCypriot governmentto recover incompatible aid from the transport company.

Terror in France: The Hunt for Charlie Hebdo Killers Continues

Terror in France: The Hunt for Charlie Hebdo Killers Continues

The two suspects in the storming of a satirical French newspaper that left 12 people dead have stolen a car and are on the move again as shots were fired in a small French town, a security official said Friday. Apparently, they might be trying to take hostages.

As Hunt for the Killers Continues France Begins Day of Mourning

As Hunt for the Killers Continues France Begins Day of Mourning

Police inParis are still hunting for two heavily armed men, one with possible links to al-Qaida, in the methodical killing of 12 people at the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo which occurred Wednesday, January 7.

Pittella: Stop Dictating to Greece

Pittella: Stop Dictating to Greece

"European Commissioner for economic and monetary affairs Jyrki Katainen isproposing to dictate to member states, threatening to impose sanctions should theyrefuse to implement financial reforms imposed by Bruxelles:”, said on Wednesday 07January S&D president Gianni Pittella

Did Merkel Really Say that Grexit is Manageable?

Did Merkel Really Say that Grexit is 'Manageable'?

A spokesman for Chancellor AngelaMerkelsays Germany hasn't shifted its view on Greece leaving the euro, in spite of various press reports. In a report Saturday, German weekly Der Spiegel had cited unnamed government officials indicating thatMerkeland her finance minister no longer believe it would be too risky for the 19-member Eurozone if Greece dropped the currency, which means the Eurozone would be able to cope with a Greek exit if necessary

Draghi: European Monetary Union Has Proved More Resilient Than Many Thought

Draghi: European Monetary Union Has Proved More Resilient Than Many Thought

Mario Draghi, President of the ECB, defended ECB's economic policies in an opinion piece he wrote for Project Syndicate on2 January and stressed that EU needs to find better ways to prove to Eurozone Member States that they are better inside the euro area. Mr. Draghi wrote:

Putin Sends New Years Message to Obama

Putin Sends New Year's Message to Obama

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said in a New Year's message to U.S. President Barack Obama that Moscow is looking for equality in bilateral relations next year. The Kremlin on Wednesday published several dozen New Year's messages addressed to heads of states and international organizations such as the Olympic Committee and FIFA

Gazprom Becomes 100% Owner of Scrapped South Stream

Gazprom Becomes 100% Owner of Scrapped South Stream

Russian gas monopoly Gazprom said on December 29 that it has bought out the shares of South Stream Transport BV, a company that was in charge of the construction of the offshore section of the cancelled natural gas pipeline