English Edition

Russia, Austria, Germany, Plan Ukraine Gas Pipe Bypass

Russia, Austria, Germany, Plan Ukraine Gas Pipe Bypass

Gazprom and Austria’s OMV discussed on July 8 in Berlin further actions within the Russian gas monopoly’s Nord Stream II gas pipeline project, particularly setting upofajoint venture toberesponsible for the gas pipeline design, construction and operation. The pipeline is in line of Gazprom’s strategy to completely bypass Ukraine by 2019.

Rosatom Seeks EU Nuke Partners For Emerging Markets

Rosatom Seeks EU Nuke Partners For Emerging Markets

Sanctions against Russia imposed because of Moscow’s actions in Crimea and eastern Ukraine, have created more problems for Russia’s partners than the country’s nuclear industry, Rosatom France CEO told New Europe in an interview.

TAP Awards Ball Valves Contract

TAP Awards Ball Valves Contract

Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG (TAP) has awarded its second large contract to RMA for the supply of large diameter ball valves and actuators.These elements are a critical part of the pipeline and will be installed by the onshore Engineering Pipeline Construction contractor(s) that TAP selects in Greece, Italy and Albania

Bulgarias Energy Watchdog to Go On with Power Price Hike

Bulgaria's Energy Watchdog to Go On with Power Price Hike

Energy regulator KEVR's head Ivan Ivanov has said that his agency will not backtrack on plans to increase power prices for industrial consumers by up to 20%. "Until now [household and industrial] consumers were not put on an equal footing, since businesses and the free market paid two times less than household users

Greek Referendum: A Decisive Win for «No» to More Austerity

Greek Referendum: A Decisive Win for «No» to More Austerity

Greece lurched into uncharted territory and an uncertain future in Europe's common currency Sunday after voters overwhelmingly rejected demands by international creditors for more austerity measures in exchange for a bailout of its bankrupt economy

The Iran Nuclear Deal Has a Chance

The Iran Nuclear Deal Has a Chance

Vienna. On Friday, the talks between Iran, the United States, Germany, France, Russia and China are entering what is considered the climax of a week-long negotiation process.

Guy Verhofstadt: Yes Better Together!

Guy Verhofstadt: Yes Better Together!

ALDE Group leader Guy Verhofstadtstarts a social media campaign to show the Greek people that the European Liberals and Democrats firmly believe that Greece and the rest of Europe belong together. Verhofstadt believes only united can we find a solution with the Greek people.

EU Hopes to Resolve New Gas Spat Between Russia - Ukraine

EU Hopes to Resolve New Gas Spat Between Russia - Ukraine

On July 1, Kiev said it would stop buying Russian gas and Moscow said it halted shipments to Ukraine, after the expiry of an interim agreement on gas supplies and prices between Russian gas monopoly Gazprom and Ukraine’s national joint stock company Naftogaz.

Vienna Talks Weigh on Balance of Power in Tehran

Vienna Talks Weigh on Balance of Power in Tehran

On Tuesday, Iran’s Foreign Minister, Muhammad Javad Zarif, departed from Tehran to Vienna along with the Director of the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program, Ali Akbar Salehi, and Hossein Fereydoon, the brother and aide of the President Hassan Rouhani. Initially, he had been expected to return on Monday.