English Edition

Elektro Ljubljana Awards 1.25 Mln Euro Power Cables Deal to Local Firm

Elektro Ljubljana Awards 1.25 Mln Euro Power Cables Deal to Local Firm

Slovenia's Elektro Ljubljana has awarded acontract for the procurement of power distribution cables to local firm Telma Trade, worth 1.25 million euro ($1.4 million), a notice in the European Union’s procurement journal indicated on Tuesday.

Croatias Dalekovod Sells Expanded Metal Factory

Croatia's Dalekovod Sells Expanded Metal Factory

Croatian power transmission equipment maker Dalekovod, said on Tuesday it has finalised the sale of its Dalekovod TIM unit to Pula-based Signal Sistem.

Cyprus - Egypt Pipeline Talk Shuts Out Israel

Cyprus - Egypt Pipeline Talk Shuts Out Israel

On the backdrop of Houston-based Noble’s problems in Israel, Cyprus and Egypt have upped their energy ties with a deal to sort out the technical details of laying an undersea pipeline that would carry offshore natural gas to Egyptian processing facilities.

Tsipras Accuses Dijsselbloem of Switching Texts

Tsipras Accuses Dijsselbloem of Switching Texts

The Greek government will not step back from it's programme, said Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras, directly accusing Eurogroup president, Jeroen Dijsselbloem of switching the text that has been agreed upon during yesterdays Eurogroup meeting in Brussels.

Women Poor Hit Hardest by Climate Change

Women Poor Hit Hardest by Climate Change

As the world prepares for the United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP21 in Paris at the end of the year, where it is hoped that a legally binding agreement on Climate Change may be reached, it is important to remember that, while all of us will be affected by future change, some of the world’s poorest and marginalised communities are often already affected.

Varo Energy Plans Upgrades for Swiss Refinery

Varo Energy Plans Upgrades for Swiss Refinery

Varo Energy BV, a midstream company owned byThe Carlyle Group and Vitol Group, plans to invest more than 50 million Swiss francs ($56 million) this year into maintenance and modernization projects at its 68,000 b/d Cressier refinery near Neuchatel, Switzerland.

Romania’s Nuclearelectrica Νet Profit Drops 68% in 2014

Romania’s Nuclearelectrica Νet Profit Drops 68% in 2014

Nuclearelectrica, the operator of Romania's sole nuclear power plant Cernavoda, said on Monday itsnet profit dropped 68%to a preliminary 137 million lei($35.2 million/30.9million euro) in 2014, mainly hurt by a newtax introduced at the beginning of the year.

Prokopis Pavlopoulos to Be New President in Greece

Prokopis Pavlopoulos to Be New President in Greece

Prokopis Pavlopoulos, a former minister of the center right "Nea Dimokratia" partywill be proposed by the Greek government as the new President of the Greek Republic, as the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras announced.

France Hints To An Easing On Greece

France Hints To An Easing On Greece

French Finance Minister Michel Sapin hinted at a slight easing ofeuro zoneopposition to Greek requests for an end to austerity and a new debt deal, saying Europe must respect the political change in Athens. On arrival in Brussels, he urged the Greeks to extend their current deal to allow time for talks.

Austria Talks Tough on Greece  but Deal Still Possible

Austria Talks Tough on Greece but Deal Still Possible

Austrian Finance Minister Hans Joerg Schelling took a hard line withGreecebefore debt talks witheuro zonepeers on Monday, saying Athens could not simply expect to get six months more time to work out a new rescue plan.

Eurozone Meeting: Low Expectations for a Greek Deal

Eurozone Meeting: Low Expectations for a Greek Deal

Eurozone finance ministers have gathered again in Brussels today to discuss the Greek situation, butexpectations for a quick deal are low despite a fast-approaching deadline.

Varoufakis on Red Lines - Moscovici on New Phase

Varoufakis on Red Lines - Moscovici on New Phase

Insisting that “no red lines will be crossed” because they are exactly that, red lines, Greek finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis went into the Eurogroup meeting that started today afternoon in Brussels.