English Edition

Total M&A Deals Value in Turkeys Energy Sector Down 21% in 2014

Total M&A Deals' Value in Turkey's Energy Sector Down 21% in 2014

As many as 40 mergers and acquisitions (M&A) valued at $5.6 billion (4.7 billion euro) were realised in the Turkish energy sector in 2014, remaining flat year-on-year in terms of deal numbers but down 21% in terms of value, the Turkish arm of global consultancy firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) said.

The End of Cyprus Airways

The End of Cyprus Airways

Cyprus Airways the national air carrier of Cyprus closed down due tothe decision of the European Commission to ask theCypriot governmentto recover incompatible aid from the transport company.

Terror in France: The Hunt for Charlie Hebdo Killers Continues

Terror in France: The Hunt for Charlie Hebdo Killers Continues

The two suspects in the storming of a satirical French newspaper that left 12 people dead have stolen a car and are on the move again as shots were fired in a small French town, a security official said Friday. Apparently, they might be trying to take hostages.

Zagreb City to Get HBOR Funds for Energy Efficiency Projects

Zagreb City to Get HBOR Funds for Energy Efficiency Projects

The Croatian government said it gave the go-ahead on Thursday to the city of Zagreb to borrow 18 million kuna ($2.8 million/2.3 million euro) from state-run development bank HBOR for energy efficiency projects.

As Hunt for the Killers Continues France Begins Day of Mourning

As Hunt for the Killers Continues France Begins Day of Mourning

Police inParis are still hunting for two heavily armed men, one with possible links to al-Qaida, in the methodical killing of 12 people at the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo which occurred Wednesday, January 7.

TAP Gets New Managing Director

TAP Gets New Managing Director

The Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) project company said on Wednesday it had appointed Ian Bradshaw as its new managing director starting from February 1.

Foreign Investor Eyes Bulgarian NPP Project Party Official Says

Foreign Investor Eyes Bulgarian NPP Project Party Official Says

An unnamed foreign investor is interested in a project for the construction of a 2,000 megawatt nuclear power plant (NPP) in Bulgaria, local media reported on Wednesday quoting a senior official of the left-wing ABV party.

Pittella: Stop Dictating to Greece

Pittella: Stop Dictating to Greece

"European Commissioner for economic and monetary affairs Jyrki Katainen isproposing to dictate to member states, threatening to impose sanctions should theyrefuse to implement financial reforms imposed by Bruxelles:”, said on Wednesday 07 January S&D president Gianni Pittella

TransAtlantic to Resume Drilling of Albanian Well in Q1

TransAtlantic to Resume Drilling of Albanian Well in Q1

TransAtlantic Petroleum, an international oil and natural gas company with operations in Turkey, Bulgaria, and Albania, said on Tuesday it expects to resume drilling on a well in the Delvina gas field in Albania in the first quarter of 2015