English Edition

The UGS Welcomes and Supports the Decision of  the IMO Extraordinary Council Session  About the Urgent Establishment of A Safe Maritime Corridor

The UGS Welcomes and Supports the Decision of the IMO Extraordinary Council Session About the Urgent Establishment of A Safe Maritime Corridor

The IMO at the Extraordinary Session of its Council agreed to the proposal, initiated by Greece and other Member States, as well as the international shipping industry, for the urgent establishment of a maritime corridor to allow the safe evacuation of seafarers and ships from the high risk and affected areas in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. This important decision lays the foundation for concrete action so that the safety and security at sea is not compromised and the well-being of everyone serving onboard vessels is guaranteed

HRADF Receives Binding Offer for the Sub-Concession of a Terminal Within the “Philippos II” Port

HRADF Receives Binding Offer for the Sub-Concession of a Terminal Within the “Philippos II” Port

The Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF S.A.), a member of the HCAP Group, received today binding offer by the consortium INTERNATIONAL PORT INVESTMENTS KAVALA, composed of the companies BLACK SUMMIT FINANCIAL GROUP - EFA GROUP - GEK TERNA for the sub-concession of the right to use, maintain, operate and exploit a multi-purpose terminal within “Philippos II” port (currently operated by Kavala Port Authority S.A. - OLK S.A.).

Turkeys Daily Power Consumption Up 2.94% on Feb. 22

Turkey's Daily Power Consumption Up 2.94% on Feb. 22

Daily electricity consumption in Turkiye increased by 2.94% on Tuesday compared to the previous day, totaling 911,015 megawatt-hours, according to official figures of Turkish Electricity Transmission Corporation (TEIAS) on Wednesday

Brimming European LNG Terminals Have Limited Space for More Gas

Brimming European LNG Terminals Have Limited Space for More Gas

Europe's liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals have limited available capacity to absorb extra supply from the United States or other major producers in the event of Russian gas disruption if it invades Ukraine

Dragon Oil Announces Historic Oil Discovery in Gulf of Suez

Dragon Oil Announces Historic Oil Discovery in Gulf of Suez

The United Arab Emirates-based Dragon Oil made one of the largest oil discoveries of the past 20 years in the Gulf of Suez, international media reports said, citing the Egyptian petroleum ministry

Romanias Romgaz Produced 11.2% More Gas in 2021, Still Less Than in 2019

Romania's Romgaz Produced 11.2% More Gas in 2021, Still Less Than in 2019

Total hydrocarbon production of Romanian state-controlled natural gas company Romgaz rose by 11.2% YoY to 32.5 mln barrels of oil equivalent (boe) in 2021, and the volume of gas from domestic production delivered to the market increased even more (by 12.7% YoY) to 4.97 bln cubic meters

Turkeys Daily Power Consumption Down 0.64% on Feb. 10

Turkey's Daily Power Consumption Down 0.64% on Feb. 10

Daily electricity consumption in Turkiye decreased by 0.64% on Thursday compared to the previous day, totaling 964,412 megawatt-hours, according to official figures of Turkish Electricity Transmission Corporation (TEIAS) on Friday

Rystad: Australia Battery Storage Capacity Expected to Double in 2022

Rystad: Australia Battery Storage Capacity Expected to Double in 2022

Australia’s battery capacity will double this year as major projects come online, heightening pressure on the country’s fossil fuel power generators that are struggling to compete against soaring renewable energy generation