English Edition

Gazprom Neft To Explore Equatorial Guinea Shelf - Interfax

Gazprom Neft To Explore Equatorial Guinea Shelf - Interfax

OAO Gazprom Neft (SIBN.RS), the oil arm of Russian gas giant OAO Gazprom (GAZP.RS), and Equatorial Guinea's national oil company GEPetrol signed an agreement to work together on two deposits on the African country's sea shelf, Interfax reports Friday

Bulgarian PM Confirms Support For Belene Nuclear Plant -Report

Bulgarian PM Confirms Support For Belene Nuclear Plant -Report

Bulgaria's prime minister has confirmed his support for the construction of the county's second nuclear power station at Belene, Sofia News Agency reports on its website Friday. "Belene nuclear power plant project is not frozen," Boyko Borisov is quoted as saying as he reaffirmed his stance after contradictory statements made this month

India Allows Gasoline Prices To Be Market-Driven

India Allows Gasoline Prices To Be Market-Driven

India Friday said gasoline prices will be now be driven by the market, a move which will help the government cut its budget deficit by saving on subsidies, although it may stoke inflation. State-run oil marketing companies, which now sell fuel products at state-set prices, will gain, as investors showed Friday by cheering on their shares

Iraq Cuts Officials Privileges Amid Power Crisis - Minister

Iraq Cuts Officials' Privileges Amid Power Crisis - Minister

Iraqi Oil Minister Hussein al-Shahristani Friday revoked electricity privileges enjoyed by government officials as he took temporary control of the power portfolio amid public fury over rationing. Shahristani, a key ally of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, said his measures would redirect much-needed supplies to a national grid that currently provides ordinary citizens with power for only one hour in every five, or less

BP Shares Get Fresh Hammering On Credit Concerns

BP Shares Get Fresh Hammering On Credit Concerns

BP shares dropped as much as 9% in London on Friday, as an analyst suggested the company needs to sell stock to assure counter-parties that it has the financial health to withstand the growing cost of cleaning up the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. As the Macondo well continues to leak oil, Nomura analyst Alastair Syme said the company's funding could be threatened

CHINA ENERGY WATCH: State Giants Lured By Shale Gas Potential

CHINA ENERGY WATCH: State Giants Lured By Shale Gas Potential

China is playing catch up to Asian rivals in the race to buy into North America's shale gas sector, underlining how the world's second-largest energy consumer is waking up to the potential of a technology that could unlock a massive resource at home. In a week when India's Reliance Industries Ltd. (500325.BY) placed its second big bet on shale gas--a $1.36 billion deal for a 45% stake in Pioneer Natural Resources Co.'s (PXD) Eagle Ford asset in the U.S.--China made a less high-profile move

Gazprom to Expand Underground Storage Facilities

Gazprom to Expand Underground Storage Facilities

Russia's state-controlled gas monopoly Gazprom plans to expand its underground gas storage facilities (UGS) abroad to 6.5 billion cubic meters by 2016, the company's CEO said on Friday.

BP Shares Down as Spill-Related Legal Battles Rage

BP Shares Down as Spill-Related Legal Battles Rage

The Gulf of Mexico oil spill entered its 67th day on Friday with BP's New York share price at year lows and bad weather looming that could hamper clean-up and containment efforts.

Czechs say Russian Spies Targeting Energy Sector

Czechs say Russian Spies Targeting Energy Sector

Russian spies are increasingly active in the Czech Republic and turning their attention to the energy sector, including nuclear power, the Czech counter-intelligence agency BIS said on Wednesday.

Ukraine offers EU help in Belarus row

Ukraine offers EU help in Belarus row

Ukraine can transit more gas through its territory to the EU to compensate for the reduced gas flow across Belarus, which resulted from the latter's payment conflict with Russian monopolist Gazprom, Kiev announced yesterday (23 June).

Kremlin: Gazprom has Received Payment from Belarus

Kremlin: Gazprom has Received Payment from Belarus

Russia's state-run gas monopoly Gazprom has received payment for supplies to Belarus in full and resumed full deliveries to Minsk, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev's spokeswoman Natalya Timakova said on Thursday.

Venezuela to Nationalize U.S. Firms Oil Rigs

Venezuela to Nationalize U.S. Firm's Oil Rigs

Venezuela will nationalize a fleet of oil rigs belonging to U.S. company Helmerich and Payne, the latest takeover in a push to socialism as President Hugo Chavez struggles with lower oil output and a recession.

Conclusions of Business Breakfast on RES in Bulgaria

Conclusions of Business Breakfast on RES in Bulgaria

Investors in renewable energy sources (RES) remain dissatisfied with the proposed amendments to the Law on Preservation of Agricultural Land, it became clear during a business breakfast, organized by representatives of the business, Focus news agency reporter announced.

OECD Gas Demand To Reach 1578BCM By 2013, 2% Above 08 -IEA

OECD Gas Demand To Reach 1578BCM By 2013, 2% Above '08 -IEA

Recovery for gas demand will hinge on the pace the global economy emerges from recession, but it is expected to hit 1578 billion cubic meters by 2013, the International Energy Agency said in its medium-term outlook for energy markets Wednesday.