EU Assists Albania to Improve the Reliability of Electricity Supply

EU Assists Albania to Improve the Reliability of Electricity Supply
Δευ, 16 Ιουνίου 2014 - 11:45
As reported by Western Balkans Investment Framework, over the last 15 months, the project team, working in close cooperation with the beneficiaries in Albania, undertook the study work and prepared system analyses and detailed technical assessmentof the project, financial and economic assessments, financing and procurement plans, projectimplementation plan, and environmental and social impact assessment of the project.

As reported by Western Balkans Investment Framework, over the last 15 months, the project team, working in close cooperation with the beneficiaries in Albania, undertook the study work and prepared system analyses and detailed technical assessmentof the project, financial and economic assessments, financing and procurement plans, projectimplementation plan, and environmental and social impact assessment of the project.

In order to share and discuss the findings and outcomes of the Feasibility Study and ESIA of thisproject with key stakeholders, a workshop was held on May 26, 2014 in Tirana Albania. The workshopwas attended by thirty five high level officials from major Albania’s energy sector stakeholders(Transmission System Operator, KfW, Ministry of Energy and Industry, Ministry of Finance, EnergyRegulatory Entity, Power Corporation, Ministry of European Integration and WBIF-IPF 3).Several presentations were made by the consultant’s team of experts who provided relevantinformation on system study analysis and selection of the optimum variant, the technical assessmentof the optimum variant design, financial and economic assessments, sensitivity analyses andenvironmental and social impact assessment for the project.

The project assessed the feasibilityof constructing a new transmission line (200 kV or 400 kV), in Albania, extending from Elbasan to Fier, aswell as construction of a new substation in the Kucova area. Based on these studies the optimumconfiguration of the project is a 400 kV single circuit line directly between Elbasan and Fier withoutsubstation in the Kucova area. A feasible 74 km long, 500 meter wide corridor has been identifiedbetween substation of Elbasan 2 and Fier. The project also includes equipping of spare bay insubstation Elbasan 2 and extension and upgrade of substation Fier to 400 kV. The investment costhas been calculated to be approximately 33.1 million EUR. KfW is the lead IFI interested in funding theconstruction of the transmission line and the substations upgrade.


This important high voltage transmission line entails a very positive impact on the further developmentand strengthening of the transmission systems in Albania. It will enable the connection of Vlora andFier cities to the 400 kV network, aiming at decreasing power loads and stabilizing supply for thesouthern part of Albania. The line and will create the conditions for accommodating the new electricitygeneration from HPPs in Devoll, Vjosa, Osumi river cascade and other new generation facilities in southof Albania, as well as to evacuate the power from the Vlora/Fier region once gas arrives (TAP project)and electricity generation from gas is achieved via TPP Vlora. In addition to improving the performanceof the national network significantly, this project facilitates future regional network interconnectionwith Italy and (FYR) Macedonia.

The workshop concluded that the project findings are widely shared and recognised and thatstakeholders are expected to submit any comments on the draft final reports on or before May 30,2014 to be addressed accordingly in the final version of the Feasibility Study and ESIA which will besubmitted in beginning of June 2014.


The technical assistance for the study work was made available to Albania by the European Union through a grantvalued at €850,000 and the study was carried out in the period January 2013 through May 2014.

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