Members of the European Parliament in Strasbourg adopted on 27 March plans to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions from cars and vans by 2030, already informally agreed with EU ministers.

MEPs and EU ministers have agreed on a higher target (37.5%) to reduce EU fleet-wide emissions for new cars by 2030, compared to the European Commission’s proposed target (30%), the European Parliament said in a press release, adding that the legislation also sets a CO2 reduction target for new vans (31%) by 2030.

“As Parliament, we strongly fought to safeguard the environmental integrity of the proposal and bring real health, consumer and innovation benefits to European citizens,” rapporteur Liberal and Democrat Maltese MEP Miriam Dalli said. “We achieved this legislation, despite fierce opposition from the car industry and certain Member States, which refused to acknowledge the opportunities that stem from a more ambitious target,” she added.


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