Russian state-controlled oil giant OAO Rosneft (ROSN.RS) has provided the Russian government with some of the additional information it requires to approve the $55 billion buyout of competitor TNK-BP, Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich was cited as saying by Russian newswires Friday.

Mr. Dvorkovich, who has said he opposes the state taking a larger role in the oil industry, confirmed reports that the Economy Ministry had asked Rosneft for more information on the financial parameters of the deals to acquire TNK-BP from BP PLC (BP) and its partners.

"The (relevant) ministries are working constructively with Rosneft to receive additional information on the deals with the aim of confirming their feasibility and issuing the necessary directives. Rosneft has provided part of the additional information," Mr. Dvorkovich was quoted as saying by Prime and Interfax.

Rosneft last month agreed to buy out BP and its partners, the
AAR consortium of tycoons, for a total of $55 billion in cash and shares. The deals will increase state control of Russia 's crude output to almost 50%.