Eagerly expected in Brussels, Alexis Tsipras, the New Greek premier, breezed through the EU institutions, meeting in just about two hours the Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, the Council President Donald Tusk, and the speaker of the EU parliament Martin Schulz.

Eagerly expected in Brussels, Alexis Tsipras, the New Greek premier, breezed through the EU institutions, meeting in just about two hours the Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, the Council President Donald Tusk, and the speaker of the EU parliament Martin Schulz.

Alexis Tsipras then hurried to Paris, where he is expected later today by the French president François Hollande. Nothing filtered out of his short meetings in Brussels and no press conference was given, other than a very short statement at the end of the meeting with Martin Schulz.

Tsipras’s statement was short and terse, revealing nothing of the state of the negotiations around the Greek debt and the future of the Troika. The whole contrasted with the warm welcome he got from Juncker, the two walkinghand-in-hand after exchanging a kiss on the cheeks for the cameras.

He said that“The history of the EU is a history of disagreement but at the end compromise always comes”

He also said that for the time being there is no agreement @but we are on the right track.I feel very comfortable discussing with Martin. We want to fix the framework, not to destroy it”

MartinSchulz said that “we are on the right track, the right direction to find a viable solution”

“We respect the verdict of the Greek people and EU rules”.

He added, not without meaning that “ordinary citizens are the ones that pay the bill” and now “those that took their money abroad must contribute to solving the problems”.
