Επιλεγμένες Ειδήσεις από New Europe

European Parliament’s President Sassoli in Quarantine

European Parliament’s President Sassoli in Quarantine

David Sassoli, EU Parliament’s President has decided to put himself into quarantine, following the Italian government’s emergency measures to place entire Italy on lockdown to stem spread of COVID-19. Sassoli, who was in Italy last weekend, decided to self-isolate and work from home for two weeks

Uzbekistan Signs Agreements With Saudi Arabia’s ACWA Power

Uzbekistan Signs Agreements With Saudi Arabia’s ACWA Power

Uzbekistan’s Energy Ministry announced on 5 March the signing of three new strategic agreements, worth over $2 billion, with the Saudi Arabian utility developer ACWA Power to amplify power generation and develop technical expertise. According to Uzbekistan’s Energy Ministry the agreements include a 25 year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) – with a total investment value of $1.2 billion – for the development/construction/operation of a 1500 MW Combined Cycle Gas-Turbine (CCGT) power plant,

G7 Postpones Coordinated Action Against Coronavirus Impact

G7 Postpones Coordinated Action Against Coronavirus Impact

Finance ministers and central bank chiefs from the Group of Seven (G7) countries agreed to adopt stimulus packages to address the coronavirus outbreak that has sparked fears of economic disruption. However, officials from the seven wealthy countries – Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and the US

The EU Budget Negotiations Will Determine Our Common Path

The EU Budget Negotiations Will Determine Our Common Path

he battle over the next EU budget by Europe’s leaders runs the risk of seriously undermining and destabilising the future of the European Union. If the EU has learnt anything from a decade of the worst crises in our post-war history, and is determined to reconnect with many citizens who have lost faith in the bloc, it needs the means.

Countries Sending Arms to Libya to Face Consequences, Germany Warns

Countries Sending Arms to Libya to Face Consequences, Germany Warns

German foreign minister Heiko Maas threatened the countries that continue delivering weapons and sending troops and mercenaries to Libya, despite the arms embargo. Ahead of a UN Security Council meeting, Maas said that those countries will face “consequences”.

Stock Market Plummets Amid Coronavirus Fears

Stock Market Plummets Amid Coronavirus Fears

In just a few days, coronavirus cases have risen rapidly across the world, despite the World Health Organization saying the spread has slowed in China, where the virus originated. The most rapid spread was seen in Italy, South Korea and Iran. European and US stock markets have plunged as investors are attempting to sell-off global equities amid virus fears.

Ryanair CEO Accused of Racism for Demanding Extra Checks on Muslim Men at Airports

Ryanair CEO Accused of Racism for Demanding Extra Checks on Muslim Men at Airports

Michael O’Leary, CEO of the Irish budget carrier Ryanair, is facing criticism for suggesting Muslim men flying alone should be singled out as threat at airports. He explained in a recent interview that families with young children should not be subjected to airport security checks because there was zero chance of them being bombers, but added that terrorists “will generally be males of a Muslim persuasion”.

ECB Upbeat About Eurozone Growth

ECB Upbeat About Eurozone Growth

European Central Bank policymakers expressed confidence in the Eurozone’s growth prospects last month and in easing of the trade tensions between the US and China. The 22-23 January policy meeting of the ECB’s governing council resulted in a cautiously optimistic note as inflation pressures started to build and risks to growth receded. The meeting was held after the US and China had agreed phase one of trade talks, but before the estimation of the scale of the coronavirus impact on the economy.

Pompeo Concludes Africa Trip with a Challenge to Chinese Economic Influence

Pompeo Concludes Africa Trip with a Challenge to Chinese Economic Influence

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo capped his three-country visit to Africa where he pitched strengthening economic relations with the United States as the path towards “true liberation” for all African nations. Pompeo warned that Africa needs to be “wary of authoritarian regimes with empty promises,” a veiled reference to China’s presence on the continent, and added that government’s like that of the Communist Party in Beijing “can only lead to corruption and dependency.”

Macron Unveils Curbs on Foreign Imams to Counter Islamic Extremism in France

Macron Unveils Curbs on Foreign Imams to Counter Islamic Extremism in France

French president Emmanuel Macron announced that he would restrict other countries from sending imams and Islamic teachers to France, aiming to prevent “separatism.” He said he intends to combat “foreign interference” in the way Islam is practiced, as the country has suffered major attacks by Islamist groups in recent years.

US Senate Votes to Limit Trump’s War Powers on Iran

US Senate Votes to Limit Trump’s War Powers on Iran

The US Senate voted on Thursday to restrain president Donald Trump from attacking Iran, rejecting his foreign policy. Eight Republican senators joined Democrats in the 55-45 vote. The resolution, which limits US military actions against Iran, will head to the Democratic-led House of Representatives, which passed a similar text last month.

EU Lawmakers Block Greens Push to Cancel Gas Projects Funding

EU Lawmakers Block Greens Push to Cancel Gas Projects Funding

STRASBOURG – Members of the European Parliament rejected on 12 February calls to veto the fourth list on projects of common interest (PCI), on the grounds that it contains fossil fuel infrastructure. Kadri Simson, who participated in her first plenary session as energy commissioner on 10 February, a late evening

Ireland Holds First Post-Brexit General Election

Ireland Holds First Post-Brexit General Election

Ireland held a general election on 8 February, just one week after neighboring Britain’s departure from the European Union. Based on the latest figures available on Monday morning, the country’s election count has failed to produce a clear winner. Sinn Fein, the left-wing Irish nationalist party, has won the popular vote in a general election.

Boeing Finds New Software Flaw on Grounded 737 MAX Jet

Boeing Finds New Software Flaw on Grounded 737 MAX Jet

Flight testers have found another flaw in the software of Boeing’s grounded 737 MAX plane. Boeing as well as the top US aviation regulator said the issue could most likely be fixed without extending the date for the plane’s return to service.

EU Mobilises €10 Million for Coronavirus Outbreak Research

EU Mobilises €10 Million for Coronavirus Outbreak Research

The European Commission announced on Friday it will grant €10 million for research into Coronavirus, from its research and innovation programme, Horizon 2020, amid intensification of the disease’s outbreak. EU’s top executive body has launched an emergency request for expressions of interest for research projects and is expected