Επιλεγμένες Ειδήσεις από New Europe

Merkel - Tsipras Try to Tone Down Differences in Berlin

Merkel - Tsipras Try to Tone Down Differences in Berlin

With information coming from“technical teams” that Greece might run out of liquidity by 8 April, Greek prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, arrived today in Berlin where he will meet German Chancellor Angela Merkel this afternoon.

Russia Ukraine and EU to Hold Gas Talks in April

Russia Ukraine and EU to Hold Gas Talks in April

Russia,Ukraineand the European Commission will hold a new round of gas supply talks next month in pursuit of a deal that could help to defuse wider tensions between Moscow and Kiev.

As EU Summit Ends Tusk Apologetic on Greece

As EU Summit Ends Tusk Apologetic on Greece

An obviously apologetic and tired Council president Donald Tusk closed the spring EU summit by diminishing the importance of the parallel meeting that he organised during the night between the Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras and the leaders of Germany and France, in the presence of the of the ECB president Mario Draghi.

Belgian Anger at the Summit

Belgian Anger at the Summit

Belgian prime minister Louis Michel squarelycriticisedDonaldTusk, the Council president, for his decisiontoorganisea mini-summit between Greece and the big EU members Germany and France on the sides of the spring summit in Brussels, excluding smaller members of the currency bloc.

Mini Summit on Greece Provides Temporary Relief

Mini Summit on Greece Provides Temporary Relief

With an agreement that may prove once again to be open to interpretation, Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras, German chancellor Angela Merkel, French president Francois Hollande and the presidents of the European Council, the Commission, the Eurozone and the ECB managed, in the early hours of Friday, to avert the worst during their mini summit in Brussels.

Five Days of the Condor

Five Days of the Condor

Greece has reached the point of no return with only two options left;either to compromise or to confront its EU partners, with the government having finally understood the real situation and the Greeks still living in their wonderland.

EU - Russia - Ukraine to Kick Off Gas Talks

EU - Russia - Ukraine to Kick Off Gas Talks

EU, Russia and Ukraine will hold trilateral talks in Brussels on Friday as the current deal is due to expire at the end of the month.

The 5 Most Critical Days for Greece

The 5 Most Critical Days for Greece

The Greek Press has already dubbed it “the 5 most critical days in Greece's post WWII history”. As the Athens government seems to be once again in a collision course, after yesterday's special EuroWorking Group meeting, allegedly convened at the request of German Finance minister, Wolfgang Schaeuble, “crashed and burned” according to a source close to the participants.

Low Demand for Renewable Energy Sources in Slovakia

Low Demand for Renewable Energy Sources in Slovakia

There is little demand for renewable energy sources in Slovakia. Experts blame a lack of publicinformation and not enough support schemes to promote the household use of renewableenergy.

Five Party Summit on Greece Before European Summit on Thursday

Five Party Summit on Greece Before European Summit on Thursday

Greece might not be included at the official agenda of the European Summit, Thursday and Friday, but, according to Greek sources, a five party meeting has been scheduled before the start of the summit in order to discuss the issues of liquidity and the progress of the Greek programme.

Kazakhstan China to Build Mini LNG Plants Network for Motor Vehicles

Kazakhstan China to Build Mini LNG Plants Network for Motor Vehicles

A Chinese company is prepared to share its experience on converting public and individual motor transport to natural gas. While Kazakhstan is just discussing and making the first steps towards converting motor transport to the cleaner and more economical (compared to gasoline) natural gas, the neighbouring China has long resolved this problem.

After Failure in Brussels Iran Nuclear Talks Restart in Lausanne

After Failure in Brussels Iran Nuclear Talks Restart in Lausanne

Top U.S. and Iranian diplomats returned to talks Tuesday, seeking to resolve differences blocking a deal that would curtail Iran's nuclear program and ease sanctions on the country. Among the issues they're now contending with is a Republican letter warning that any deal could collapse the day President Barack Obama leaves office.

Nuclear Talks Start Again

Nuclear Talks Start Again

The nuclear talks between the United States and Iran started again in Switzerland, as US Secretary of State John Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif are talking right now in a luxury hotel in the lakeside city of Lausanne.