English Edition

Belgian Anger at the Summit

Belgian Anger at the Summit

Belgian prime minister Louis Michel squarelycriticisedDonaldTusk, the Council president, for his decisiontoorganisea mini-summit between Greece and the big EU members Germany and France on the sides of the spring summit in Brussels, excluding smaller members of the currency bloc.

Croatias Dalekovod Signs Seal in Kosovo Eyes Polish Job

Croatia's Dalekovod Signs Seal in Kosovo Eyes Polish Job

Croatian power transmission equipment maker Dalekovod said on Thursday it has signed a deal with the Transmission System and Market Operator Company in Kosovo, KOSTT, worth over 8.5 million euro ($9.1 million).

Fitch Downgrades Bulgarian Energy Holding to  BB Places on RWN

Fitch Downgrades Bulgarian Energy Holding to ' BB Places on RWN

Fitch Ratings said it has downgraded Bulgarian Energy Holding's (BEH) long-term foreign and local currency issuer default ratings (IDR) and its foreign currency senior unsecured rating to 'BB' from 'BB+', and placed the ratings on rating watch negative (RWN).

Mini Summit on Greece Provides Temporary Relief

Mini Summit on Greece Provides Temporary Relief

With an agreement that may prove once again to be open to interpretation, Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras, German chancellor Angela Merkel, French president Francois Hollande and the presidents of the European Council, the Commission, the Eurozone and the ECB managed, in the early hours of Friday, to avert the worst during their mini summit in Brussels.

Five Days of the Condor

Five Days of the Condor

Greece has reached the point of no return with only two options left;either to compromise or to confront its EU partners, with the government having finally understood the real situation and the Greeks still living in their wonderland.

EU - Russia - Ukraine to Kick Off Gas Talks

EU - Russia - Ukraine to Kick Off Gas Talks

EU, Russia and Ukraine will hold trilateral talks in Brussels on Friday as the current deal is due to expire at the end of the month.

RWE Starts Supplying Gas to Business Customers in Croatia

RWE Starts Supplying Gas to Business Customers in Croatia

RWE Hrvatska, a unit of German energy company RWE Group, has started offering gas supply services to business customers in Croatia through a newly set-up unit, RWE Plin, RWE Plin said on Wednesday.

The 5 Most Critical Days for Greece

The 5 Most Critical Days for Greece

The Greek Press has already dubbed it “the 5 most critical days in Greece's post WWII history”. As the Athens government seems to be once again in a collision course, after yesterday's special EuroWorking Group meeting, allegedly convened at the request of German Finance minister, Wolfgang Schaeuble, “crashed and burned” according to a source close to the participants.

Low Demand for Renewable Energy Sources in Slovakia

Low Demand for Renewable Energy Sources in Slovakia

There is little demand for renewable energy sources in Slovakia. Experts blame a lack of publicinformation and not enough support schemes to promote the household use of renewableenergy.