129 Exploration Licenses Granted in Turkey 74 Licenses at Off-Shore and 55 On-Shore

129 Exploration Licenses Granted in Turkey 74 Licenses at Off-Shore and 55 On-Shore
Τρι, 4 Αυγούστου 2015 - 17:47
The 4th Exploration – Generation Sector Briefing Meeting (SCOUT Meeting), was organised by the Petroleum Platform Association (PETFORM) in Ankara, on Tuesday, 30 June 2015. Selami İncedalcı, the Director General of the State’s Petroleum Affairs, stated that as a result of the increased exploration applications for oil and natural gas, a total of 186 applications had so far been made in the period which began in June 2014

The 4th Exploration – Generation Sector Briefing Meeting (SCOUT Meeting), was organised by the Petroleum Platform Association (PETFORM) in Ankara, on Tuesday, 30 June 2015. Selami İncedalcı, the Director General of the State’s Petroleum Affairs, stated that as a result of the increased exploration applications for oil and natural gas, a total of 186 applications had so far been made in the period which began in June 2014. İncedalcı, said that a total of 37 companies – 25 of whom were local and 12 foreign – had made applications, and following the Turkish Petroleum Legislation and Implementation Regulations which became effective in January 2014, a total of 129 exploration licenses had been awarded.

A total of 74 licenses, for 8 years each are at off-shore, while a total of 55 licenses, for 5 years each, are on-shore. The companies have provided an undertaking to invest around USD 1.5 billion for these licenses.

Selami İncedalcı, the Director General of PİGM also stated that the fall in Brent oil prices by approximately 50% to around 62 dollars, had caused a decline in exploration investments both in Turkey and throughout the whole world, but underlined his belief that Turkey would be able to respond to thisdecline within a very short period of time, as a result of its projects and licenses.

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