English Edition

Extraordinary Eurozone Meeting Announced

Extraordinary Eurozone Meeting Announced

Extraordinary Eurozone meeting on Greece officially announced. It will convene on 11 February at 17.30, on the eve of the European Summit of 12 February.

Yes Only Juncker Can Save Greece (II)

Yes Only Juncker Can Save Greece (II)

Our story “OnlyJunckercan save Greece” was widely read and raised many questions. Our Greekfriends were surprised from what they read and could not believe that neitherthe Greekgovernments nor the European Commission acted to stop the Greekcartels during the last thirty years.

Slovenias ELES Calls Tender for Power Line Construction Project

Slovenia's ELES Calls Tender for Power Line Construction Project

Slovenian state - owned power transmission system operator ELES has called a tender for works on a power line construction project, a notice in the European Union’s procurement journal indicated on Wednesday.

Varoufakis to Schaeuble: Use Us in Context of the European Project

Varoufakis to Schaeuble: Use Us in Context of the European Project

Asking for a “bridging programme” that will give Greece time to present its proposals to the IMF, the EU and the ECB, expressing respect for “established treaties and agreements” but without “crushing” Greece and Europe, the new Greek Finance Minister, Yanis Varoufakis disagreed with German Finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble even about disagreeing...

Putin Invites Tsipras to Moscow

Putin Invites Tsipras to Moscow

In politics timing is everything. As Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakiswas being rebuffed by Germany'sWolfgang Schaeuble, President Putin gave world leaders a masterclass in the art of politics.

Only Juncker Can Save Greece

Only Juncker Can Save Greece

Yes, Jean Claude Juncker can save Greece, in less than a months time, without money at the table and without anybody's help.

ECB΄s Warning Shot for Greece and the Eurozone

ECB΄s Warning Shot for Greece and the Eurozone

With a, mostly political in nature, shot across the bow of both Greece and the Eurozone the European Central Bank announced yesterday that as of 11 February it will no longer accept Greek sovereign bonds as collateral for liquidity.

Prysmian Group Transelectrica Sign MoU to Study Romania - Turkey Subsea Link

Prysmian Group Transelectrica Sign MoU to Study Romania - Turkey Subsea Link

Italian energy and telecom cable produce rPrysmian Group said it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Romanian power grid operator Transelectrica to study the opportunities for the construction of a subsea connection between Romania and Turkey.

The Ties That Bind

The Ties That Bind

Alexis Tsipras has said he will ditch his casual look once Greece gets a deal. The young Greek leader has gone with the relaxed open collar look, but that may change if and when Greece gets a deal.

Flying Colours - Debt - Carrying Tsipras Breezes Through Brussels

Flying Colours - Debt - Carrying Tsipras Breezes Through Brussels

Eagerly expected in Brussels, Alexis Tsipras, the New Greek premier, breezed through the EU institutions, meeting in just about two hours the Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, the Council President Donald Tusk, and the speaker of the EU parliament Martin Schulz.

EU and Greece Unite Over Greek Oligarchs

EU and Greece Unite Over Greek Oligarchs

There is one word that explains the apparent (and surprising to most) flexibility of the EU and the Eurozone towards Greece, just one week after anti-austerity SYRIZA won the parliamentary elections in Greece: Oligarchs.

Serbias MK Fintel Wind Starts Construction of 9.9 MW Kula WPP

Serbia's MK Fintel Wind Starts Construction of 9.9 MW Kula WPP

Serbia's MK Fintel Wind, a joint venture between Italy's Fintel Energia Group and Serbian vertically integrated conglomerate MK Group, said on Tuesday it has started the construction of a 9.9 MW wind power plant (WPP) in the northern town of Kula.

Junckers Pledge to Replace the Troika

Juncker's Pledge to Replace the Troika

Indirectly confirming the German newspaper"Handelsblatt"which on Monday wrote that Commission president Jean Claude Junckeris supporting the end of the Troika, the Commission's spokesman, Margaritis Schinas, quoted a pledge given by Junckerhimself at the beginning of his term to replace it.