English Edition

IENE Celebrated its 10-Year Anniversary with Well-Attended Business Luncheon

IENE Celebrated its 10-Year Anniversary with Well-Attended Business Luncheon

IENE celebrated today, May 8, 2014 at the "Aegli” restaurant in Zappeion, in central Athens, its ten-year anniversary by organizing a high-profile festive Business Luncheon, attended by a large number of businessmen, professionals, academics, policy-makers as well as senior government officials involved in the Greek and regional energy sector. This special IENE event coincided with the current Greek Presidency of the Council of the European Union for the first half of 2014.

Greece: Cheaper Power Through Auctions

Greece: Cheaper Power Through Auctions

High- and medium-voltage power consumers in Greece will soon be able to enjoy lower electricity rates resulting from the obligatory auction of some 20 to 30 percent of the Public Power Corporation’s thermal and hydroelectric output to independent suppliers, according to the plan to open up the retail power market that the Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE) put up on Wednesday for public consultation until May 30.

Tamar Partners Sign Deal with Union Fenosa

Tamar Partners Sign Deal with Union Fenosa

The Tamar partners will sell natural gas to the Spanish company Union Fenosa Gas SA, which owns a gas export installation in Egypt, according to a non-binding letter of intent signed by both parties. The Tamar partners announced that they are targeting a binding agreement within six months. The deal will be worth $1.3 billion annually over 15 years for a total of $19.5 billion.

Iraqi Oil Exports 2.512 Million Barrels Per Day in April

Iraqi Oil Exports 2.512 Million Barrels Per Day in April

Iraq's monthly oil exports reached 2.512 million barrels per day (bpd) in April, an oil minisstry spokesman said on Sunday. Exports rose from 2.139 million bpd in March, ministry spokesman Asim Jihad said, adding that exports from the south of the country, where the bulk of Iraq's crude is produced and shipped abroad, were 2.509 million bpd - the highest since 2003.

Greeces PPC Has Decided to Launch a Subsidiary in Turkey

Greece's PPC Has Decided to Launch a Subsidiary in Turkey

Greece's Public Power Corporation (PPC) has decided to launch a subsidiary in Turkey as it turns to cross-border energy trade in a bid to offset the loss of market share in Greece now that the local industry is entering the stage of full liberalization.

MOL Romania Turnover Up 5.1%

MOL Romania Turnover Up 5.1%

MOL Romania, the local subsidiary of Hungarian oil group MOL, registered a turnover of nearly EUR979 million in 2013, up 5.1 percent from EUR 931 million a year before, due to higher sales volumes. Last year MOL Romania recorded a total sales volume of 503,000 tons, up 7 percent from 469,000 tons in 2012, according to data provided by the company.

Qatar Keeps Close Eye on EU’s LNG Push

Qatar Keeps Close Eye on EU’s LNG Push

Qatar is looking to take advantage of a European Union strategy aiming to have the shipping fleets of its member states running on Liquefied Natural Gas from 2025.

Romanias Insolvent Hidroelectrica Plans an Over 85 million euro Investment

Romania's Insolvent Hidroelectrica Plans an Over 85 million euro Investment

Hidroelectrica, while still insolvent, planned investments of RON 377 million (EUR 85 million) for 2014, meant especially for updating technology and “historical” products. The company will finance its own investments, and the difference will be covered with bank loans, according to a report from Euro Insol, the power producer’s administrator.

Greeces Metka Completes 800 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant in Turkey

Greece's Metka Completes 800 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant in Turkey

Greek engineering company Metka said it has completed an 800 megawatt (MW) combined cycle power project in Turkey on a turn-key basis for a joint venture between German power utility RWE and Turkish firm Turcas Guney Elektrik Uretim, part of energy company Turcas Petrol [BIST:TRCAS].