English Edition

OPEC Warns of Slowing Asian Oil Product Demand

OPEC Warns of Slowing Asian Oil Product Demand

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Thursday warned of signs that demand for oil products in Asia, one of the major drivers of the market in recent years, are slowing.

Vestas Sells Machining, Casting Units to VTC

Vestas Sells Machining, Casting Units to VTC

Vestas Wind Systems A/S (VWS.KO) Wednesday confirmed the sale of its machining and casting units, concluding previously announced talks, as the Danish wind turbine manufacturer aims to focus on its core businesses and on lowering costs.

EU On Track For Climate Targets

EU On Track For Climate Targets

The European Union is on track to meet its 2020 targets for reducing carbon emissions and switching to cleaner energy sources, its environmental watchdog said on Wednesday.

Eni May Stop Fuel Supplies to Alitalia Saturday

Eni May Stop Fuel Supplies to Alitalia Saturday

Eni SpA (E) may stop supplying fuel to airline Alitalia SpA (AF.FR) by Saturday unless news emerges of a turnaround for the unprofitable carrier, writes daily Corriere della Sera Tuesday, citing the head of the Italian oil company.

RWE to Continue Garzweiler Coal Site, Denies Closure Report

RWE to Continue Garzweiler Coal Site, Denies Closure Report

German utility company RWE AG (RWE AG) Tuesday said it will continue operating its Garzweiler brown coal mining site, denying a media report that said it is considering shutting the site by 2018.

Kuwait to Miss Its 4M B/D Crude Oil-Production Target

Kuwait to Miss Its 4M B/D Crude Oil-Production Target

Kuwait won't be able to meet its crude oil production target of 4 million barrels a day by 2020 because of political deadlock between parliament and government that has often hampered energy projects, people familiar with the matter have said.

Pakistan Seeking $2 Billion From Iran for Gas Pipeline

Pakistan Seeking $2 Billion From Iran for Gas Pipeline

Pakistan has asked Iran for $2 billion in financing to build its side of a controversial gas pipeline that has drawn threats of U.S. sanctions, Islamabad's petroleum minister said Tuesday.

U.N. Starts Destroying Syrian Chemical Weapons

U.N. Starts Destroying Syrian Chemical Weapons

International weapons inspectors began destroying Syria's chemical weapons on Sunday, overseeing Syrian government workers using torches and grinders to launch a disarmament program that put potential U.S. military intervention in Syria on hold.

Canada Spied on Brazil Energy Ministry

Canada Spied on Brazil Energy Ministry

Canada spied on communications at Brazil's Mining and Energy Ministry, according to Canadian intelligence documents revealed Sunday by Globo television.

Romania January-August Power Output Down 7.2% on Year - Mediafax

Romania January-August Power Output Down 7.2% on Year - Mediafax

Romanian energy output fell 7.2% on the year to 14.09 million metric tons of oil equivalent in the first eight months, hurt by falling production in the thermal sector, official data showed Monday, news agency Mediafax reported.

Poland Wants Another Price Cut From Gazprom

Poland Wants Another Price Cut From Gazprom

Poland wants another cut in the price of natural gas it buys from Russia, a Polish deputy prime minister said on Monday as gas firms from the two countries began talks.