English Edition

BP: TAP, Nabucco West Decision Will Be Based On Best Tariff Level

BP: TAP, Nabucco West Decision Will Be Based On Best Tariff Level

A final decision on which pipeline will transport Caspian natural gas from the giant BP PLC (BP.LN)-led Shah Deniz offshore project to Western Europe will be based on which of the two mooted routes offers the best tariff level, BP Chief Executive Bob Dudley said Tuesday.

BP In Talks On Potential US Gas Exports

BP In Talks On Potential US Gas Exports

BP PLC (BP) is looking at ways to turn its U.S. natural gas into more valuable oil-linked products, including potentially exporting the fuel as liquefied natural gas, Chief Executive Bob Dudley said Tuesday.

Marathon Oil Sells Part of Kurdistan Stake to Total

Marathon Oil Sells Part of Kurdistan Stake to Total

Marathon Oil Corp. (MRO) has sold part of its stake in two blocks in the Kurdistan region of Iraq to Total S.A. (TOT, FP.FR) as the two companies look to better evaluate the region's potential.

Iran Central Bank Starts Sanctions Cell

Iran Central Bank Starts Sanctions Cell

Iran's central bank has established a special cell to fight back against Western economic sanctions that the institution's chief described as "no less than military war," the official IRNA news agency reported Tuesday.

GE Sells $100 Million in Equipment for Olympics

GE Sells $100 Million in Equipment for Olympics

General Electric sold about $100 million in lights, power supplies and medical devices for the London Olympic Games, less than for Beijing’s massive build-out, but still enough to justify the largest U.S. conglomerate’s sponsorship, officials said yesterday.

Cheniere Gives Sabine Pass Green Light

Cheniere Gives Sabine Pass Green Light

The board of Texas-based Cheniere Energy Partners has approved a final investment decision to build the first two liquefaction trains at its Sabine Pass project in Cameron Parish, Louisiana.

BP Reassures Investors Over Missing TNK-BP Dividend

BP Reassures Investors Over Missing TNK-BP Dividend

BP PLC (BP.LN) Monday sought to reassure investors that cash flow from its Russian joint venture, TNK-BP (TNBP.RS), which has been absent since the beginning of the year as a boardroom impasse holds up dividend payments, is not essential to its own ability to return money to shareholders.

Iranian Oil Minister to Visit Turkey

Iranian Oil Minister to Visit Turkey

Iranian Oil Minister Rostam Qasemi will visit Turkey this week, energy ministry sources told AFP Monday, amid a Turkish cutback on its oil purchases from Iran under Western pressure.

Edison Says Net Loss Narrows; Confirms 2012 Ebitda Target

Edison Says Net Loss Narrows; Confirms 2012 Ebitda Target

Edison SpA (EDN.MI), a leading Italian energy company in which Electricite de France SA (EDF.FR) is the majority shareholder, Monday said its first-half net loss narrowed thanks to the positive performance in the exploration and production operations, although margins remain weak for natural gas and electricity.

Gazprom/Shtokman Deal Ended July 1 But Total Still Interested

Gazprom/Shtokman Deal Ended July 1 But Total Still Interested

The Shtokman joint venture agreement between French oil company Total SA and Russian peer OAO Gazprom terminated on July 1 though Total is still interested in playing an active role in the gas project, the French company's chief financial officer Patrick de la Chevardiere said Friday in a conference call held to discuss the company's second quarter profits

For Exxon, Natural Gas Becomes A Costly Burden

For Exxon, Natural Gas Becomes A Costly Burden

The oil and natural-gas production boom sweeping the U.S. may be good for the country's economic health, but it hasn't recently been much help to energy giant Exxon Mobil Corp. Lackluster second-quarter financial results from Exxon's U.S. oil and natural-gas production cast a shadow on the record global profit the company reported Thursday