English Edition

Presentation of IENE’s «South East Europe Energy Outlook» (videos)

Presentation of IENE’s «South East Europe Energy Outlook» (videos)

IENE’ major reference study, «The South East Europe Energy Outlook» was first presented last Wednesday, May 18th, at the Vorres Museum, in Paiania, Attiki. The presentation focused on key areas of the study including the investment prospects of the energy sector in the SE European region. Senior business executives, energy experts, representatives of foreign embassies, as well as IENE members and associates and contributors to the «South East Europe Energy Outlook» study were present in this special IENE event.

Iran Says OPEC Ready To Respond To Oil Market Gaps

Iran Says OPEC Ready To Respond To Oil Market Gaps

A top official of Iran, which holds the presidency of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, was quoted as saying Wednesday that the group is ready to make up for gaps in the markets.

Iran Rejects IAEA Report On Nuclear Work

Iran Rejects IAEA Report On Nuclear Work

Iran Wednesday dismissed as unfounded a United Nations nuclear agency report on the possible military aspect of Tehran's atomic drive, saying the body was deviating from the rules under Western influence.

India April Crude Oil Imports Rise 6% On Year

India April Crude Oil Imports Rise 6% On Year

India's crude oil imports in April rose 6% from a year earlier, helped by an expanding economy and as growing auto sales boosted demand for transportation fuels.

Challenges of Using Variable Renewables in Power Systems are Surmountable - IEA

Challenges of Using Variable Renewables in Power Systems are Surmountable - IEA

A new book from theInternational Energy Agency(IEA),Harnessing Variable Renewables: a Guide to the Balancing Challenge, presents a novel method of assessing the resources needed to balance supply and demand in power systems with large shares of ‘variable’ renewables, such as solar photovoltaic, wind and tidal energy. The report, which features case studies of eight geographic regions with sharply different power attributes, shows that there is a greater technical potential for balancing variable renewable energy output than is commonly assumed.

Special Report: European Solar Wobble Spurs China Deals

Special Report: European Solar Wobble Spurs China Deals

A slowdown in subsidies for solar power across European countries has encouraged companies to look oversees for greener pastures, threatening Europe's lead in this promising high-tech sector.

EU Sees Solar Power Imported from Sahara in Five Years

EU Sees Solar Power Imported from Sahara in Five Years

Europe will import its first solar-generated electricity from North Africa within the next five years, European Energy Commissioner Günther Oettinger said in an interview on Sunday.

Shell Slammed for Serious Safety Slips

Shell Slammed for Serious Safety Slips

Anglo-Dutch supermajor Shell has been hit with a safety order from the Norwegian authorities following an investigation into a well incident on the Draugen platform in December last year.

Russia to Auction Part of Sakhalin Chaivo Oil and Gas Deposit

Russia to Auction Part of Sakhalin Chaivo Oil and Gas Deposit

The Russian government has instructed the Subsoil Use Agency to hold a tender in 2011 for a hydrocarbon deposit in the Sea of Okhotsk off Russia's Pacific Island of Sakhalin, the government said in a statement on Tuesday.

Iraq Reaches Initial Accord With Iran To Supply Gas

Iraq Reaches Initial Accord With Iran To Supply Gas

Iraq has signed an initial agreement with its neighbor, Iran, to supply 25 million cubic feet a day of natural gas, a spokesman for the Iraqi electricity ministry said Monday.

Turkey Plans New Tender for Baskent Dogalgaz In June or July

Turkey Plans New Tender for Baskent Dogalgaz In June or July

Turkey will hold a new privatization tender for state natural gas distributor Baskent Dogalgaz in June or July, expecting to complete the sale by the end of the year, Turkish finance minister Mehmet Simsek said Monday.

TEPCO: Quake Didt Cause Loss Of Reactor Cooling Water -Kyodo

TEPCO: Quake Did't Cause Loss Of Reactor Cooling Water -Kyodo

The devastating March 11 earthquake didn't cause any loss of cooling water at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, the plant operator said Monday, denying the temblor was responsible for a nuclear fuel meltdown at the plant's No. 1 reactor, Kyodo News reported.