English Edition

Greenpeace Still Blocks Cairns Greenland Drilling

Greenpeace Still Blocks Cairn's Greenland Drilling

Greenpeace protesters remain attached to the underside of a drilling rig contracted to Cairn Energy PLC (CNE.LN) offshore Greenland, shutting down operations on the rig for safety reasons, the environmental group said in a statement on its website Wednesday.

Spain Solar Plants To Shift To Roof-Tops -SunPower Execs

Spain Solar Plants To Shift To Roof-Tops -SunPower Execs

Cuts in subsidies to solar power will make the installation of new photovoltaic solar farms in Spain challenging, and foster a shift toward more roof-top plants, executives of U.S. solar power company SunPower Corp. (SPWRB) said Wednesday.

Ukraine Hopes to Revise Gas Contract with Russia says PM

Ukraine Hopes to Revise Gas Contract with Russia says PM

Ukraine hopes to find a compromise on the price at which Russia supplies it with gas, Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov said on Wednesday, calling the current formula "enslaving."

Lukoil: No Plans To Buy All Of Its Shares From ConocoPhillips

Lukoil: No Plans To Buy All Of Its Shares From ConocoPhillips

Russia's biggest privately owned oil producer, OAO Lukoil Holdings (LKOH.RS), won't execute in full its option to buy back its shares from ConocoPhillips (COP), the oil company's vice president told reporters Tuesday.

Poland Downplays EU Concerns Over Polish-Russia Gas Deal

Poland Downplays EU Concerns Over Polish-Russia Gas Deal

Poland expects to iron out the details of the new Polish-Russian gas agreement in negotiations with the European Commission, with the long-awaited agreement to be ready for signature "in a dozen or so days," Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said Tuesday.

Nigeria Begins Privatization Of Power Firms, Seeks Advisers

Nigeria Begins Privatization Of Power Firms, Seeks Advisers

Nigeria's Bureau of Public Enterprises, or BPE, has started consulting advisers on the privatization of the 18 firms that make up the Power Holding Company of Nigeria, or PHCN, the bureau said in a statement Tuesday.

Merkel: Nuclear Plants Could Run up to 2035

Merkel: Nuclear Plants Could Run up to 2035

German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke out in favour of extending the use of nuclear power plants in Germany in a television interview on 29 August, saying it would be reasonable if they could run another 10 to 15 years.

Poland Smells German Foul Play Over Gas Terminal

Poland Smells German Foul Play Over Gas Terminal

Berlin is opposed to Poland receiving an EU grant to construct an LNG gas terminal on its Baltic coast due to environmental concerns. But the Polish press argues that the real cause of Germany's unease is that the new terminal would compete with the Nord Stream gas pipeline.

UN Climate-Change Organization Needs Reform--Report

UN Climate-Change Organization Needs Reform--Report

A group investigating the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a report Monday saying the IPCC needs to make several changes to reduce errors and the chance of bias in its reports, including fundamentally reforming its management structure.

German Energy Demand Can Be Met By Renewables By 2050

German Energy Demand Can Be Met By Renewables By 2050

Most of Germany's energy demand can be met through renewable sources by 2050 but this is dependent on agreeing ambitious, multi-billion euro expenditure, according to the conclusions of a government-commissioned report into the country's future energy policy.

Electric Cars Can Succeed In Oil-rich States - Renaults Ghosn

Electric Cars Can Succeed In Oil-rich States - Renaults Ghosn

Electric cars can be successful in Gulf countries and other oil-rich states, but only with initial government help, the president and chief executive officer of Nissan Motor Co. (7201.TO) and Renault SA (RNO.FR) said Monday in Abu Dhabi.