English Edition

EU Mulls EUR3.5B Spend To Reduce Russia Gas Dependence

EU Mulls EUR3.5B Spend To Reduce Russia Gas Dependence

The European Commission plans to invest EUR3.5 billion in a natural gas and power network to bypass dependence on the Russia-Ukraine gas pipeline, Handelsblatt reported Thursday, citing an internal document to be released next week.

Putin, Czech PM Discuss Gas Deal Betwen Russia And Ukraine

Putin, Czech PM Discuss Gas Deal Betwen Russia And Ukraine

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin discussed a natural gas agreement with Ukraine Wednesday with Czech Prime Mirek Topolanek, whose country holds the E.U. presidency, Russian news agencies reported.

Eni,Nippon Oil,Repsol Compete For Iraq Oil Contract

Eni,Nippon Oil,Repsol Compete For Iraq Oil Contract

International oil companies Italy's Eni SpA (E), Japan's Nippon Oil Corp. (5001.TO) and Spain's Repsol YPF SA (REP) are competing for a contract to develop the Nassiriya oil field in southern Iraq, one of the world's vast oil fields, an authorized oil ministry spokesman said Thursday.

President Parvanov to Visit Asia

President Parvanov to Visit Asia

According to the schedule provided by President Parvanov`s press service, he is leaving for Azerbaijan Wednesday, where on Thursday he is going to have meetings with top Azerbaijani officials over energy, economic, and trade cooperation. In March 2008, Bulgaria's President had a three-day visit to Azerbaijan.

First Quantities of Gas from Ukraine Arrive in Bulgaria

First Quantities of Gas from Ukraine Arrive in Bulgaria

Russian gas started running through Bulgaria's gas transit system, Economy and Energy Ministry announced. Bulgaria has demanded at least 8.6 mln cubic meters of gas per day. Currently, much larger quantities are being delivered. The received gas from Ukraine is only for Bulgaria's needs.

Obama: Many Challenges Of Crisis Facing US `Will Be Met

Obama: Many Challenges Of Crisis Facing US `Will Be Met'

With a call to unite to confront the greatest challenges facing the country in generations, Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th president of the United States, the final step in a historic run from relative national obscurity fours years ago to become the first African-American to occupy the White House.

Ukraine Pres: Negotiated Gas Price Failure For Ukraine

Ukraine Pres: Negotiated Gas Price Failure For Ukraine

Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko said Tuesday he believed the natural gas price that was recently negotiated by Prime Minister Yulia Timoshenko was a "failure" for Ukraine, news agency Prime-Tass reported Tuesday.

Russian Gas Finally Reaches Europe

Russian Gas Finally Reaches Europe

Russian gas reached the European Union on Tuesday for the first time in almost two weeks, marking the end to a dispute that left most of Eastern Europe without supplies during a bitterly cold spell.

Austria To Expand Gas Storage Capacity After Supply Row

Austria To Expand Gas Storage Capacity After Supply Row

Austria plans to build further gas storage capacity to cushion it against potential future gas disputes between Ukraine and Russia, Austrian financial daily Wirtschaftsblatt reports Wednesday, citing the country's minister of economy, Reinhold Mitterlehner.

Russian Pres Medvedev To Visit Uzbekistan

Russian Pres Medvedev To Visit Uzbekistan

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev will visit the central Asian nation of Uzbekistan this week to meet with Uzbek President Islam Karimov, the Kremlin said Tuesday.

Bulgaria Receives First Gas Quantities from Greece

Bulgaria Receives First Gas Quantities from Greece

On Monday afternoon Bulgaria started getting natural gas from Greece, the Ministry of Economy and Energy said. Under the agreements reached Greece will supply to Bulgaria 2.5 million cubic meters of natural gas daily in the course of seven days with an option of either extending or shortening this period, depending on current needs.

Russian Gas For Europe Flowing Into Ukraine

Russian Gas For Europe Flowing Into Ukraine

Russian gas is flowing into Ukrainian pipelines and will head toward Europe in a few hours, a spokeswoman for Ukrainian pipeline operator Ukrtransgaz told AFP Tuesday.