The Race is on for Greenland's Arctic Oilfields

The Race is on for Greenlands Arctic Oilfields
Uchenna Izundu / Telegraph
Δευ, 27 Σεπτεμβρίου 2010 - 13:08
As the world's largest island, with a population of just 56,000, Greenland's economy was – until now – driven primarily by fishing exports. Last week, Cairn Energy, the UK exploration company, was the latest oil firm to announce that it had found further evidence of oil in one of its key Arctic fields.

As the world's largest island, with a population of just 56,000, Greenland's economy was – until now – driven primarily by fishing exports.

Last week, Cairn Energy, the UK exploration company, was the latest oil firm to announce that it had found further evidence of oil in one of its key Arctic fields.

A self-governing colony of Denmark, Greenland is emerging as a potential petroleum giant and the competition between oil companies to access its resources is intensifying.

Although Cairn's discovery is not commercially viable, it reinforces the Greenland government's belief that offshore west Greenland has potential. It has found two types of oil and is analysing samples. Until recently, exploration had only been seven wells and they were all declared dry.

Ove Karl Berthelsen, minister for industry and mineral resources, described the result as encouraging. "The result supports earlier indications of the existence of an active hydrocarbon system in the region."

Sir Bill Gammell, chief executive of Cairn, said Greenland was a major growth region with its interests in eight offshore areas covering 72,000 sq km.

Subject to government approvals, exploratory drilling will start this year in West Disko and in southern Greenland in 2011.

To fund this development, Cairn is selling a 51pc stake in its subsidiary, Cairn India, to Indian mining company Vedanta for up to $8.5bn.

ExxonMobil and Chevron also hold rights off the island and are interpreting their own seismic data to identify potential drilling locations.

"Any future exploration drilling campaign is unlikely before 2014," said Chevron, which holds 29pc equity in Block 4 off western Greenland with operator DongEnergy.

Cairn will spend more than $1bn over the next three years drilling up to 10 wells off Greenland. Its initial success coincides with the imminent announcement of the winners in Greenland's latest licensing round for 14 blocks spanning 151,000 sq km in Baffin Bay. Shell and Statoil have submitted bids.

Energy consultancy IHS Cera estimates that technically recoverable undiscovered resources in Greenland could be equivalent to 50 billion barrels of oil.

With conventional hydrocarbon supplies drying up, oil companies are pushing at the frontier of exploration as technological advances enable them to carry out better drilling and production.

The Arctic was previously difficult to explore because of the extreme weather conditions, remoteness, and fragile ecosystem. Greenland's Bureau of Minerals and Petroleum has received 17 bids from 12 international oil companies.

Cairn Energy has applied for six blocks, which vary in size from 8,000 sq km to 15,000 sq km.

BP pulled out in May, a company spokesman said. He declined to disclose the reasons, but for BP, still reeling from the Gulf of Mexico spill, operating in such a fragile environment would be highly controversial.

"Everywhere is of potential interest in the future," he added.

Others have been bolder. "We applied for more than [one] block," said Scott Kerr, chief executive at the Norwegian Energy Company. "We believe that with the estimated size of resources in Greenland it would be economic to develop at over $75-a-barrel oil prices, but this depends on the reservoir quality, the field's size, and distance from shore. There are big differences in the size of resources because little exploration has been done."

Jorn Skov Neilsen, deputy minister for the Bureau of Minerals and Petroleum, declined to reveal which blocks had attracted the most interest. He told The Sunday Telegraph: "Right now, we're preparing the documentation and should announce winners within two to three weeks."

For environmentalists, Cairn's news could accelerate development of the region, with forthcoming oil and gas exploration leases in the Greenland Sea being offered in 2012 and 2013.

Fearful of the effects on wildlife and an oil spill in the area nicknamed "Iceberg Alley", Greenpeace has dispatched the Esperanza, a protest vessel, to Cairn's site.

Leila Deen, a Greenpeace campaigner, said: "Climate change is already having an impact on millions of people around the world but oil companies are completely ignoring the new reality. That's why we're here to deliver a message – go home now."

The Danish government has responded by sending the Vaedderen, a Thetis-class warship, to protect Cairn's operations, but this did not prevent Greenpeace activists from boarding the drilling rig last month to protest about Cairn's operations.

Cairn has insisted that it is meeting stringent environmental standards and that it has a contingency oil spill response plan. Mr Neilsen is also confident about the high environmental and safety standards that Greenland is demanding from prospective companies following BP's Deepwater Horizon rig explosion.

"The authorities here do a strategic environmental impact assessment and so do the companies that are carefully assessed. Very strict safety rules on personnel, equipment, and procedures are followed up by intense checks by inspectors," he said.

"There is a short drilling season with two rigs in place so one is available to drill a relief well if necessary. We also have different agencies working together."

The international effects of BP's disaster are profound: governments, operators, and regulators are reviewing their policies and procedures to ensure they could cope with a similar spill. Neighbouring nations are nervous about each other's exploratory activities: sharing a maritime border, Canada is monitoring Cairn's operation.

"After the investigation by the US into BP, one likely effect is to make drilling expensive," said Leta Smith, director of upstream supply at IHS Cera. "We're all waiting to see what regulatory changes there will be outside of the deepwater drilling moratorium imposed by the President."

Meanwhile, Royal Dutch Shell's summer plans to drill two wells in the Alaskan Arctic, which is far shallower than the Gulf of Mexico, have been derailed by the moratorium and a federal court ruling.

"We're working on permitting for 2011," said a spokesman. "But when this happens depends on the moratorium, legal milestones, and logistics."

Alaska has filed a lawsuit against the US Interior Department to reverse the moratorium – fearing the effects of lost jobs, energy security, and revenues in the state. The Department has dismissed the lawsuit as baseless, arguing that there was no moratorium in Alaska.

Elsewhere in the US Arctic, BP has postponed development drilling on its Liberty prospect in the Beaufort Sea from now until 2011 after federal and state agencies requested further reviews. The $1bn project was scheduled to start commercial production in 2011.

In Europe, the European Commission is pushing for a temporary ban on deepwater drilling until the reasons behind BP's accident are known. Similarly in July, Norway reduced its licensing blocks from 100 to 94 in the Norwegian Sea and the Barents Sea, which holds 51 of the available blocks. Among those postponed were four from the Nordland V area in the Norwegian Sea, which lie close to land.

Greenland's reliance upon £500m per year in subsidies from Denmark will fall by 50pc if Greenland generates income from its mineral resources. Development of its oil industry, therefore, has garnered political support because it could lead to full independence.

Local attitudes are mixed, with fears over resource management and oil spills. If fruitful, the local government will enjoy 59pc increase in taxes, comprising corporate tax, royalties and its 12.5pc stake in the licenses through state owned oil company Nunaoil, added Neilsen.

"So much planning has been done over the past ten years as we want a sustainable business sector that will create jobs," he said.

A similar rationale to diversify its economy and enhance national energy security underscored Iceland's courting of oil companies in 2009 with its first Arctic licensing round for 100 offshore blocks in the Dreki Area in about 800-2000
metres of water.

According to the US Geological Survey, the area north of the Arctic Circle holds an estimated 90 billion barrels of undiscovered recoverable oil and 1.7 trillion cubic feet of recoverable natural gas. The Arctic accounts for about 13pc of global undiscovered oil and 30pc of the undiscovered natural gas.

Countries bordering the Arctic Ocean – Norway, Russia, the US, Denmark and Canada – are eagerly asserting their claims as climate change and technological developments have improved access to the region.

In April, Norway and Russia resolved a 40-year dispute over a 175,000 sq km section in the Barents Sea – thought to hold 10-50 billion barrels of oil equivalent – which could enable future energy cooperation.

Jens Stoltenberg, the Norwegian Prime Minister, said: "This solution is about more than a border line under the ocean, it is about developing good neighbour relations." The agreement could be ratified between the two countries within six months.

The Norwegian Oil Industry Association is uncertain when exploration will start. The deal offers potential growth in Norway's oil industry, where production has fallen by more than 50pc since its peak early in the last decade to around 2 million barrels a day due to maturing North Sea oilfields.

However, recoverable resource estimates in the Norwegian Barents Sea have been reduced due to smaller discoveries, prompting the association to call for other Arctic archipelagos such as Lofoten to be opened to drilling as the area could hold around 1.3 billion barrels of oil equivalent.

Nevertheless, environmental concerns remain among the biggest obstacles and the Norwegian government is reviewing whether to grant access.

Today, operators are producing 8 million barrels of oil equivalent in the Russian and Alaskan Arctic and 40 billion barrels of oil have been produced since 1963.

Under Shell's forecast, within 20 years, Arctic production from North America, Europe, and western Russia could constitute a quarter of the world's production, provided that the technical, political and environmental challenges are met.

Those with resources may realize they stand to gain more through cooperation than confrontation, but
the battle for the new oil frontier is on.

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