IENE to Organize Athens Colloquium on March 28 to Discuss Latest Electricity Market Developments in Greece and Europe

IENE to Organize Athens Colloquium on March 28 to Discuss Latest Electricity Market Developments in Greece and Europe
Δευ, 26 Μαρτίου 2018 - 18:42
The European Union, through coordinated efforts, has over the last few years been promoting the creation of an integrated electricity market. At the same time, the EU targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions have lead to the radical transformation of the power sector; thus, both electricity markets and networks are in transition

The European Union, through coordinated efforts, has over the last few years been promoting the creation of an integrated electricity market. At the same time, the EU targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions have lead to the radical transformation of the power sector; thus, both electricity markets and networks are in transition.

Most European countries have already developed integrated electricity markets, but this does not hold for most countries in SE Europe where developments are not particularly satisfactory, despite the fact that Energy Community countries (see the Western Balkans) have already committed to get every country coupled with at least one of their neighbors by the middle of 2018.

The target model for the integrated European market identifies the minimum requirements that the individual national electricity market of each EU member state, including Greece, should adopt in order to establish a common operating architecture that will in turn lead to the coupling of EU markets and to increased competition for the benefit of the final consumer. The main objective of the integrated electricity market is to reduce the energy costs and to strengthen the security of supply through the formation and gradual convergence of electricity supply prices via mechanisms such as energy exchanges as well as the strengthening and expansion of electricity interconnections among EU member states.

IENE, in view of the ongoing developments, decided to organize an in-depth discussion on Greece’s electricity market, currently in transition, with the presence of major market players and leading experts. Cross-border cooperation with a view to make Greece a regional energy hub is an objective in the context of the transition to an integrated market, with the creation of an energy exchange that will contribute to this direction for the benefit of market participants and end-users.

In this IENE special event, the necessary changes in the organization and operation of the domestic retail market in view of the ongoing decrease of PPC's market share, and the entry of several new players will also be discussed. Key questions about the future of Greece’s electricity market and competition in its retail market is expected to spark a broad discussion, facilitating the exchange of views between involved players and consumers. The main sponsors of this event include PPC, Heron Thermoelectric SA and ENSCO A.G.