French utility Electricite de France (1024251.FR) sees "many scenarios and many protagonists" for a possible bid to enter Spain's energy market, Chief Executive Pierre Gadonneix said Wednesday.
French utility Electricite de France (1024251.FR) sees "many scenarios and many protagonists" for a possible bid to enter Spain's energy market, Chief Executive Pierre Gadonneix said Wednesday.

EdF wants to consolidate its position in Europe - and particularly in Spain where it has no operations at present - but doesn't yet know how it will act, Gadonneix told reporters at a presentation of the company's 2007 results.

Late January, there was reported to be speculation that EdF was exploring a tie-up with Spain's Iberdrola SA (IBE.MC), although the French company has repeatedly said since that it hasn't made any firm decisions.

The company has identified Spain and Belgium as among the countries where it would like to expand, although both the company and the French government, which owns 84.8% of EdF, say this depends on how welcoming the authorities there are.

Spanish construction group Actividades de Construccion y Servicios SA (ACS.MC), Iberdrola's largest shareholder and the top shareholder in fellow Spanish utility Union Fenosa SA (UNF.MC), confirmed in early February that it has held talks with EdF over Iberdrola and "Spain's energy market in general."